23. All posibilties should be taken into acount

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Grace POV
We all blacked out at the same day? Right after they tell me some messed up story, that they said they would forget about? I can't say that's not odd. That would be lying.
"Maybe those things you said were true" I say, thinking out loud. "You told me you would forget sooner it later. Maybe it turned out to be on the sooner part of things"
"You seriously think you came from heaven?" The look she gives me in incredulous. As if she hasn't heard something that could be less true in her life.
"It's a possibility" I say. "We have to take all possibilities into account"
She bursts out laughing. "Grace" she says. "I'm pretty sure you didn't come from heaven"
"Well, what if I did?" I ask. "I'm not saying that's for sure the answer, but it could be. And I'm not putting a definite no on it until it has been proven otherwise"
"You do that"
This frustrates me somehow. I know I'm being a bit illogical, and that heaven is supposedly not a place where they control you, but it might be.
It's weird thinking that yesterday they were trying to convince me of this, and now they're trying to un-convince me.
The bus slows down, as we reach the school, and I hurry off. I don't want to be late for math.
I quickly exchange my books in my locker, and hurry off to class.
I'm the first one here, like always, so I sit down in my usual seat, and arrange my notebook and textbook on my desk.
Caylie comes in a few minutes later, and sits next to me.
"Good to see your starting to be on time again" she says, smiling.
What is she talking about? I'm always on time! I'm starting to believe my theory fmore and more. I must have been a completely different person in heaven.
i decide to just play along. "Yeah" I say, rolling my eyes. "Something must've knocked the sense back into me"
She smiles, and we chat while we wait for the teacher to come and begin the lesson.
The bell rings, and Mrs. Vanesca walks in at that precise moment. "We will be working on page 126 today, class"
I eagerly open my textbook to page 126, and wait impatiently for her to give us our next instructions.
Caylie POV
Something has knocked the sense back into her. I know it has. One day she's barely able to get to class on time, and is not happy about math, and the next she's completely back to normal? Odd.
A/n- okay, so I know this is a really short chapter, but I haven't updated in a while, so I thought I'd give u something. I promise that the next update won't take this long.

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