10. What have I done?

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Grace POV

I need to wait a day before trying the real thing. I need to wait, so I don't mess up. It's really tiring work.

My cats name is Trouble. Don't ask me. I have no idea why he is named that. I didn't really have a say in that. Of course I did, but not me. The girl who I 'took'.

It's only Thursday. I haven't even been on earth for a week yet. It's crazy how slowly time can pass.

I get on the bus, heading to school. I'm planning on changing things after school today. It makes me nervous. I don't want to mess this up. I really don't.

Since Tuesday, Cheryl and I switched seating arrangements. She sits with Kate, and I sit with Alex.

I plop down beside her. "Hey" she says, smiling.

"Hi" I say, giving an unconvincing smile. I'm not in a very good mood today, but I can't let anyone know why.

"What's wrong?" she says, her smile disappearing from sight.

"Nothing" I say absent-mindedly.

She raises her eyebrows at me. I raise mine back at her, and we both laugh.

We arrive at school in half an hour. I walk to my locker quickly. I want to be early for class today, so Caylie doesn't suspect anything today.

I'm not a professional at being early, so when I arrive in math class, Caylie is still there before me. I sigh, and sit down beside her.

The truth is, I hate math. I never understood it. My math teacher keeps treating me carefully. She thinks something is wrong, because I am 'usually' top in math class, but lately I've been doing not-so-good. I have also not been very interested in it, which is 'odd'.

I set my books down on the desk. Caylie gives me a look. I smile reassuringly. I don't want her to think of me like I've gone insane anymore.

After school, I get on the bus feeling very nervous. I did this yesterday, but that was only something simple. Changing people's mind on who they think they like is much harder than if they will let their kids have a kitten or not.

I set my bag down on the table and run up to my room. My hands are shaking, as I sit down on my bed.

I close my eyes, and think back to the moment that Drake asked me out. I capture it.

We are in 7th grade, and he just asked me if he could walk me home, instead of me going on the bus. I, of course agreed, because he was the most popular guy, and he just asked if he could walk me home. I was 13. That was pretty cool.

I follow them, as they walk down the street. They will stop, before he asks me out, and that's when I will put my hand on his shoulder, and change his mind.

Here it is. They stop. I look really happy, and excited. Drake has a look of seriousness on his face. He takes a deep breath, and at that precise moment, I put my hand on his shoulder, and enter his train of thoughts.

Wow. A guys mind is way less organized than a girls is. This must be why they always seem so clueless. They have a hard time processing the thoughts, because they are scattered. I expected something like this.

I find the thought that wants to ask me out. I concentrate really, really hard on changing it. I feel dazed, and weak. It's extremely difficult. Love is just such a strong feeling, and it's hard to control.

After a lot of effort, it disappears. I changed it.

I escape his mind, and enter the memory again. What I see horrifies me.

A/n- I finally added something really interesting that I'm pretty sure is a cliff hanger, right?


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