26. Doesnt make sense

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Alex POV

It isn't going to work. I've already tried. My powers just aren't there. It's like, if you lose them, they won't come back. Kind of like a grain of sand, I suppose. No matter how hard you try, you won't find it again.

As soon as I remembered, and I was home, I checked. I was really disappointed that they were gone. I don't care that much about finding out why I remember, but I do like magic. Always have, probably always will.

Remembering my old life was a relief and a tragedy at the same time. I left there because I wanted to forget that I didn't have any friends. I didn't want that memory to haunt me in my new life. Well guess what? Now it does.

The only major change is my shyness and self confidence. I used to be too shy to talk to people and not confident enough that they would like me. I'm glad that I don't feel that way anymore. It was terrible.

I never thought of Grace and I getting along together. We're just so different. Although, in heaven we were similar. Still not the same though. And we are like opposites on earth. Seriously.

I hang up my phone, and flop down on my bed, letting the comfort swallow me whole. I wish I could just stay here forever. Never having to deal with life's problems. Never having to worry about anything. But I can't. I can't just abandon myself.

Grace calls back a few moments later, and I pick up, already knowing what she's going to tell me.

Kate POV

I wonder who that boy who was watching us was. If I see him staring at us again, I'm going to bring it up. It was kind of creepy. It kind of felt like he was stalking us.

I get on the bus, Wednesday morning and sit in my regular seat next to Grace. She's smiling in a know-it-all way to Alex, who just rolls her eyes. I don't bother to ask. Grace probably knew Ashlyn and I wouldn't fall for that trick. That must be why she's acting like that.

I look around, and my eyes nearly pop out of my head. I close my eyes and open them again. Dang it! it's that boy that was watching us before. And he's still watching us.

I didn't want to make a deal over this, but I know I should tell my friends. They deserve to know.

"Grace?" I say nervously. She was in the middle if explaining why the girl in the seat in front of us's outfit doesn't work with her skin tone. I wasn't paying attention at all.

"What?" she says, looking irritated that I interrupted her.

"You see that boy there?" I point to the guy looking at us. He quickly looks away.

"Yeah" she says, confused. She then looks as if she knows who it is. Then she looks like she made a mistake somehow. It's funny watching her expressions change so quickly.

"He was watching us yesterday" I say, slowly. "And following us. And he was watching us again a few seconds ago. What do you think that means?"

She looks shocked by my response. She ducks her head around me to look at Alex. She stares at her, and they seem to be having a silent conversation.

Alex nods after a moment of staring, and Grace smiles. "We hired him" she says, not sounding positive that she was telling the truth. "Because of, you know, that trick we were playing on you" she emphasizes the word trick, as if to say it wasn't a trick after all.

"But that-" I stop mid sentence to think about it. Hiring someone to freak me out doesn't have anything to do with telling your friends you came from heaven. Does it?

"That's what?" she says

"I don't understand it. That's all. Just forget about it. It'll come eventually"

Grace POV

I have my powers. Alex doesn't. But I do. Weird. I wonder why. That's something else I will ask them when I ask them why I remember in the first place.

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