29. Heaven

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Hey guys. So I decided I want to show you all what's going on in Heaven right now. So this chapter will be in Tracey's POV.

Tracey's POV

"Miss Carlos?" My teacher, Ms. Grim says my name, from the front of the classroom. "Are you paying attention?"

I really wasn't. I never enjoyed Science class. But I couldn't admit to that. I would get in so much trouble.

So I say "yes, I was" instead.

"Really?" she says in a mock-sweet tone. "What was I talking about then?"

I have no idea. But this is where these excellent skills of mine come in handy. I was always really talented at my control skills. Top of the class. So I freeze time quickly, and go back to the memory of 10 minutes ago. I pay really close attention to what she's saying. Then I come back, unfreeze time, and say "you were talking about how control skills work" Easy enough. No biggie.

She looks surprised that I know this. "Very well" she says, and continues on with the lesson. I really don't know how it didn't cross her mind that I used my control skills. She's very oblivious.

If Grace were here, she would be silently laughing her head off. Because she knew I wasn't paying attention and that I used my control skills, and the teacher didn't even notice. I really miss Grace, and I wish she had stayed here in heaven with me. It breaks my heart knowing that she doesn't even remember me.

The bell signalling the end of the day rings, and I gather up my things and head over to my locker.

It's been two weeks since Grace left heaven, and I haven't really had anyone to talk to since then. Grace was pretty much my only friend.

I set my books down, close my locker, and turn around. I jump back, hitting the locker behind me when I see someone standing right in front of me, smiling sweetly.

Courtney Brown, the most popular girl in school, standing right in front of me with a smile on her face. That would give any average person a shock.

"Hey Tracey!" she says, sounding excited, and then she does something I never expected. She gives me a hug as if I was her closest friend.

I swear, I wasn't more shocked when I found out earth existed when I was 4. "Um, hi Courtney" I say awkwardly.

She releases me, and slips her arm through mine, guiding me down the hallway.

"So, Stella and I were wondering if you would like to have some fun with us tonight?" she says sweetly. My guess would be, this is some sort of joke. Stella is Courtney's best friend and let me tell you, they LIVE for getting people into trouble.

"What is this, Courtney?" I ask, stopping in my tracks.

She smiles guiltily, and says "We were planning on sneaking into the control lab tonight, and we heard you're an excellent hacker" yes, it's true. I can hack things pretty easily. But that's because of my excellence in control skills.

"Yeah..." I say, unsure of where she is going with this.

"Would you like to tag along?" she asks sweetly.

I'm shocked. The two most popular kids in school want me to break rules with them. I can't say no. I just can't.

"Um, sure" I smile at her. She looks excited.

"Great!" she says. "Then your coming over to my house right now"

"Oh" I say "let me just call my mom first"

She looks like she could burst into laughter at any moment when I say that. But she try's to hide it, and says "okay. Meet us in front of the school"

I nod and dial my mom's cell phone number. She agrees, but hesitantly. She doesn't like me hanging out with girls that she's never met before.

I grab my bag and head out the door to meet up with Courtney and Stella. They're leaning against the railing, doing something on their phones. They look identical standing there, like that. They're really similar in appearance too. They both have blonde hair and tanned skin. And they're about the same height too.

I approach them, and tap Courtney on the shoulder. She looks up, smiles,and puts her phone into her purse. Stella does the same.

"My mom will be here any moment to pick us up" Courtney says, still smiling.

"Okay" I say.

Not even a minute later, Stella says "there she is" and points to a white, fancy car (I was never really into cars, so I have no idea what kind it is) waiting in the parking lot.

"Come on" Courtney says, walking towards her moms vehicle. Stella is right behind her. I follow uneasily, nervous for what I'm going to do within the next 10 hours.

------- page break ---------

"Come on!" I hear Courtney calling me from inside the control lab. I just hacked the security system, but I don't know if I really want to go in or not. I mean, that's a pretty big rule to brake.

"I-" I don't think I really have a choice. "I'm coming" I say reluctantly. I step inside the control lab, and close the door behind me. It's 10pm. Most people will be at home now.

"So... what's the plan?" I ask Courtney, sheepishly.

"We just wanna look around a bit" she smirks, and heads towards the elevator. Stella and I follow.

We get in, and Stella presses the number 24 button. The elevator starts to move upwards and I realize that floor number 24 is the one floor we didn't look at when we came here on the field trip.

The doors spring open, and Courtney and Stella walk out. I follow.

It looks like a pretty boring room, to be honest. It's filled with desks and lots if paperwork. That's probably why they didn't show it to us.

Stella and Courtney snoop around a bit, looking at papers and all that. It looks as if they're searching for something.

I approach a random desk, and being curious, I pick up a random piece of paper and begin to read.

Mr. Tanculet,

I have noticed that from my observations of earth as well. It seems as if something went wrong with the system. It is odd that we cannot control the memories of former residents. I believe it started out with that girl, Grace Thompson...

I look up from the piece if paper for a moment. Grace Thompson? Grace remembers? I keep reading.

I think we may have made a mistake. Was her ceremony held on her birthday? I can't think of what could happen if it was. The whole lot of people could remember, and we won't be able to control them. We must be careful. Maybe it would be best to cause an accident and have her die? She was a nice young girl, but we mustn't have her ruin our cover.


John Rivers

I have to do something about this. Grace remembers me. She used to be my best friend only 2 weeks ago, and I cannot let them kill her.

A/N- Am I evil? Yes, I think I am.  About the cliff hanger... it was necessary. I needed to find some way of telling you guys this important information. I'll update soon!


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