Taylor Pov
Have you ever thought what life actually means?
Do you even know what you want in your life?
For us wolves, our whole lives have been planned out before we are even conceived, born from love and passion and more particularly the mate bond. Birth, rules, training, rituals, schooling, graduation, find your mate, bond, marry, give birth. Every cub's life is a ball of emotion and connections to the goddess, nature and their mates. It's the circle of our lives.
"Taylor Amor, you really are something else." Darren nudged my arm, breaking me out of my own head, I smiled at him as he hugged me tightly. Darren is about 6ft, with brown hair and a skater boy look but seems to have the strongest muscles in our pack- apart from the Alpha. Being the Alpha's son has some perks I suppose. "And why is that?" We have been walking through the pack land now for about an hour, the first 10 minutes we chatted as per usual, the rest was silent. Not an awkward silence because we are far too close for that but just a comfortable silence.
"Look at you, 17 years old and still that girl living in your own world. I heard you picking fights with your dad today. About the mate bond." He gave me a sad smile and rubbed my shoulder. "He just doesn't understand-"
"Why are you so adamant you don't have a mate, you haven't even looked?" I roll my eyes and push him down the bank towards the lake, the dust flying beneath our feet. "Neither have you." I give a pointed glare and gaze upon the sparkling water, the reflection of the setting sun mirroring on the water. Across the bank, wolves are running and patrolling our territory lines.
"I have an excuse, I'm busy. You are just a stubborn bitch." Darren laughs as I smack him over the head. I sit on the bank, my feet dipping in the shallow areas. "I'm not saying I don't have a mate, I just don't want to waste my life looking for him." I pout, resting my head on my arms and observing the trees move with fast wolves racing past them. Why would I ever want to leave this land? A guy could never make me give up this.
"What about you?" I raise an eyebrow, dragging Darren down to sit next to me. His legs are bent and he leans on his elbows, staring up at the sky with curious eyes. "She's out there, she's stunning with a body that belongs to nobody but me. Her eyes sparkle with the brightest of smiles and every time she speaks, I get lost in her words-"
"Very detailed explanation for somebody you've never met." I look up to him and click in front of his face to snap him out the daydream that seems to be a form of brainwash in our pack. Darren stands up and picks my small frame into his arms, he throws me forward into the still lake. "You'll understand when you meet him or het. It's getting dark, hurry home." He walks away with a smirk, my black hair sticking to my forehead and clothes clinging to my body.
"You will find your mate. You will understand how it feels. Keep waiting." I rant to my self, pushing my way through the brush that lines the lake. Now I have to go home and straighten my hair again! "Why should I wait? I want to live not hold out for somebody who will evidently control my every move." Sticks and twigs snap beneath my feet, I run my hands through my hair moving deeper into the territory.
"My mum doesn't look happy with my father, he is just a bastard to her....why do I want that-"
"How can you be sure that's what you will get?" An unknown voice speaks from the shadow of the trees. I stop in my tracks, my head whipping around to the voice in the brush. I couldn't see anyone but I sensed them near me. It was a really strong smell of sage and eucalyptus and created a small buzz in my stomach.
"Who are you?" I call out, unknowingly edging forward towards the stranger that could possibly kill me. I am relying on my instinct that this man won't hurt me. "You didn't answer my question." He replies almost immediately, I hear cracking of the leaves and something move not far from where I am stood.

Mate Pull
WerewolfBang! I sat bolt upright. Did I imagine that? That noise? What was it? I clambered out of bed and almost fell down the stairs with the panic that had set in. My front door was wide open but nobody was there, the wood was just swinging in the doorway...