Taylor POV
The cold floor of the bathroom had been my best friend for the last forty minutes where I stayed hovering above the toilet throwing up water and stomach acid. The first time I threw up Colton stayed with me until I stopped. We went back downstairs and I had some water and sat down in the living room with him. I was fine all night and almost forgot about it until we went to bed...
I'd fallen asleep like usual in Colton's arms but an hour later I was back in the toilet vomiting and I haven't woke Colton up yet but I think I might have to. I clung to the toilet for dear life with cold sweats washing over me every minute. I didn't feel right and I had this nagging feeling it was the poisen. But it had waited seventeen years what's the rush to kill me now.
"Taylor, are you being sick again?" I heard Colton at the door and watched when he tried to open it. I'd locked it. "Yeah hang on, I'll unlock the-" I started to cry when the acid burned my throat. I had a moment to breathe and I quickly stood up to unlock the door only to run back to the toilet.
"I'm calling the hospital, this isn't right." Colton grabbed two bobbles from next to the bath and tied my hair back for me while he went to get his phone. He came back and sat by me stroking my face. "Elrick?" I listened as much as I could to hear the other end of the conversation but instead of zoning out this time I couldn't hear over my heaving. Before I knew it Colton had hung up.
"He's on his way over. He said to try the medicine." Colton looked to me and I nodded, he left again for the briefest of moments and returned with everything I needed. A glass and the medicine, he filled the glass up with water and added the powder to it before handing it to me. "You'll be okay Baby, just deep breaths." I chugged down the water but my body didn't want to keep it down and- well you guessed it.
"Do you feel different other than the vomiting?" Because that makes sense to me right now. "Erm- I guess no, I just keep throwing up." He cradles me in his arms and I couldn't help the tears falling from my eyes.
"Okay, Elrick doesn't think it's the poison but he's not entirely sure what it could be." Though I was sure to be panicked by the unknown severity of the situation Colton's voice made it soothing. Guess that's the mate bond. "I wanna brush my teeth." I stood up and wobbled a bit before Colton steadied me.
"Baby, I think you should sit down." I shake my head at him and reach for the toothpaste. I start to brush my teeth when there is a knock at the front door. I watch as Colton goes into the bedroom only to pop his head in to make sure I was okay. "Dude, Elrick is here, what the fuck?" Diesel's voice was drained and clearly pissed off. I chuckled at him and spat out the toothpaste before rinsing my mouth with mouthwash.
"Taylor isn't well, dipshit." Colton's voice was deep and I just wanted him to hold me in his arms again. "She's in here." Next thing I know Diesel is coming into the bathroom and wrapping me in a tight hug.
"To tight." I whisper and push him away throwing up again. "I just want to sleep!" I cry out and slam the lid of the toilet. Elrick and Colton come in moments after and he sits me on the counter ready to examine the damage.
"So how long have you been like this?" Elrick asks while taking my blood pressure. "All day basically." I groan and put a hand on my hand feeling exhausted.
"Well we're gonna take you down to the hospital-"
"What? Why?" I sit up a little straighter and then slouch when I feel a tug in my stomach. "There could be a danger of poison in your system or something worse but it's my job to protect the Luna." Elrick states and looks to Colton who picks me up in his arms.
"I don't want to go, I'm tired." I moan and grip onto his neck tighter to put my cheek on his shoulder. "I know you are but sweetheart you know it's for the best." He looks me in the eye and he knows he's right. I nod my head and we continue down the stairs. I wave goodbye to Diesel who closes the door behind us and Colton places me in his car while Elrick gets in his own. We tail him all the way there until we arrive at the hospital and Colton carry's me in. I guess he drew the eyes of a few nurses because he was shirtless and I rolled my eyes at them.

Mate Pull
Hombres LoboBang! I sat bolt upright. Did I imagine that? That noise? What was it? I clambered out of bed and almost fell down the stairs with the panic that had set in. My front door was wide open but nobody was there, the wood was just swinging in the doorway...