HI AGAIN!I am currently in the process of finishing a new book (probably not going to be as successful as this one) but after a long internal debate with myself I think this one deserves a sequel.
I couldn't be more grateful for the feedback, reads and votes on this book as I thought this was the crappiest of all the ones I have wrote.
Reading it back and editing I found quite a few plot holes and ends I forgot to tie up so it means a lot that so many of you like this one.
Over the last few months I really felt that I could do more with this book if I thought of writing a sequel. Many of you don't think it should have ended and now I've finally convinced myself it is time.
In the process of finishing a new one I will also be writing chapters for the sequel.
I can either:
A: Post the chapters as I write them (never done it this way and not sure how well I could do it)
B: I write it all and post it all at once as a completed book.
Comment which you think I should do and then I will let you know which I am going to do.
Thank you so much!!!!
Mate Pull
WerewolfBang! I sat bolt upright. Did I imagine that? That noise? What was it? I clambered out of bed and almost fell down the stairs with the panic that had set in. My front door was wide open but nobody was there, the wood was just swinging in the doorway...