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Colton POV

"Where is she?!" I threw my fist at the wall trying to direct my anger away from my elites but right now I have reached my limit. "We lost their scent about three miles out." Creed stood straight and tried to look unphased by my out burst but I heard his heart beat skip.

"We will find them Colton." My eyes snap towards my brother and he steps forward with cautious hands stretches towards me. "You don't get it Maxen!" For a moment I thought the words were my own but when I looked to the door and saw Isla shaking I knew it was her.

"She's fucking pregnant! She's carrying his child and now we don't know where she is-" She stopped and covered her mouth as if she was going to throw up. Her worried eyes flashed to mine and panicked shot through them. "She's what..?" Maxen stuttered after holding Isla close to his chest.

"We found out last night, she's a week gone and now she's gone." I grit out and throw my foot at my desk. "Someone needs to explain what happened."

"Kylo would never put Taylor in danger something must've happened to drive them out the house-"

"They went for a run." Diesel muttered lowly. I turned to him, clenching my fists at my side to stop me from strangling my brother. "What?"

"I heard them when I was leaving. Kylo was in your room and she was in the bathroom. She promised to stay within the boundaries." Diesel stared at me worry radiated off of me as I'm sure my face was turning a deeper shade of red. "He wouldn't have taken her out the boundaries."

"Then someone must've come on territory."


Taylor POV

"We don't go out of pack boundaries." Kylo tapped on the door and hurried me to change into my wolf, I mentally laughed at myself. 'You make me sound like an outfit.' My wolf scolds before Kylo knocks on the door again.

"Okay, we'll stay within the boundaries can you just step away from the door?" I listened closely for Kylo's footsteps to echo throughout the room. I crouched low to the tiled floor and allowed my wolf to take over, she practically jumped with excitement when she knew she could run free for a bit. My paws hit the floor and I slowly pushed my nose against the door to open it. Kylo was already in wolf form and waited by the door like a guard dog. Is that racist to wolves? I cocked my head to the side until Kylo began padding downstairs I suppose to an on looker this would have scared the shit out of them but if anyone were to walk in right now his would be something they would expect. Maybe not for the Luna to be with another male wolf other than the Alpha but everyone knows how Colton just leaves me in the hands of his elites. I'm not complaining though I have a lot of fun with them. Creed taught me how to play poker, Grey beats me at poker, Kylo binge watches Disney movies with me, Ely cooks and Bates- we talk...deeply. He has a lot of things he doesn't say. He's getting past that though now.

I'd continued with my inner monologue for so long we were closer to the borders of the rogue territory than I thought. Kylo came to a halt infront of me and bared his teeth, I stepped around him and gave him a confused look. He began to snarl and growl at the brush up ahead so I backed away.

It all happened so fast.

The truck.

The growling.

The engine.

The gun.

The howling.

The darkness.

And then everything slowed down. I could suddenly see and hear everything, I felt the coldness of steel against my paws but couldn't move them. My head hung backwards while my four legs sprawled out limply infront of me. I blinked. I blinked. I blinked.

It was all still there.

The metal bars of a cage came back into view. What? Where am I? My heart thudded in my ears when I became more alert of my surroundings. I was in one of the hunter camps, locked in a cage, in wolf form. Oh. God. I clambered to my feet and collapsed back onto the floor. Blood seeping from my leg where a bullet was clearly lodged. I peaked my head upwards looking for Kylo. A whine escaped me when I saw him in a cage close to mine but he wasn't awake yet. What are we going to do? We was in boarders the hunters shouldn't have come this far in. Colton scared them away. He did.

My head felt heavy and my vision blurred for a second as I swayed on my feet. We can't change back or our secret will be exposed. But then I could kill them all, they night kill us first. Kylo needs to wake up.

"This one's up." A man shouted moving closer to me, I backed up against the other end of the cage before my back leg was zapped with electricity. I yelped uncontrollably and bared my teeth to the man behind me. He held a prodder that extended at least 5ft and a charge of electricity surging between the two prongs. "It's a female." One of them confirmed. I was prodded again.

'Colton help me.' I called through the mind link hoping he would hear me. "We're going to make you into a beautiful coat." The prodder was shoved into my side and I jolted with the electricity. Kylo don't wake up.

'Colton!?' I thought again my inner-voice screaming for my mate which every waking minute felt like hours without him. I'm a Luna I should be able to get myself out of this. I have a life growing within me and I have just let myself be electrocuted. "Hello?" One of the men said into the phone.

"Yeah we got two." He glanced at Kylo sleeping wolf but avoided eye contact with me. "One is still out but the other one, well, she's quite a beaut." My ears perked up and I stepped closer to the cage with wild eyes.

"We skin 'em but don't worry we kill 'em first before there's any bad toxins released in their blood." The man spoke so confidently it was bone chilling and he kept glancing back at me with a smug look in his eyes. "I dunno man, she's a pretty rare wolf. All white with one black stripe."

"Make it a triple grand and you got yourself a deal." The man nodded to himself before hanging up with another smile. One that seemed like he just got $3000 for a wolf that fits my exact description. Oh god. "Get that one ready we gotta ship her out." He ordered and I backed away from the bars. The cage was moved onto the back of a truck and my legs buckled underneath me as I howled for help.

'Colton?' But it was too late. The truck was moving and next thing I knew we were manuvering through the trees and back onto the forest path. We came to a screeching halt and I jolted forward hitting the bars with a harsh blow. Howling loudly, I scratched at the cage trying to push my nose threw it. "Taylor?" I knew that voice. It was filled with worry and panic.



Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted a really dramatic ending and the plan was for Taylor was to never spend more than a day in the camp.

Thanks for staying with me if you're still here.


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