Chapter 4

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We get into the beach club and Myles leads us into a VIP area. Within the VIP area there's a dinner section and a club section.

"We are planning on getting dinner first then walk over to the club. Sounds good?" Myles looks back at us.

"Sounds good to me." I say. I am kinda hungry. I eat a lot on the daily basis. I honestly don't know how I'm so skinny. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner is always a big meal, and snacks in between. Probably because I work out a lot.

We get to the table and sit down. There are six seats. I follow Maren to the end of the table. I sit at the very end and Maren sits next to me. Across from me is Myles and Kyree is diagonal from me, across from Maren. Michael and Johanne sit at the end. I feel bad for Johanne, he kind of just tags along. I guess that's kind his job though haha. The waitress comes in a black dress comes over to take our order.

"Is everyone ready to order?" She asks politely.

We all nod and Maren starts to order.

"To drink I would like a glass of Champagne, and for my meal I will have the oven roasted chicken. Thank you!" She says and hands over the menu.

The waiter looks at me and I take that as my cue to order.

"I will have a Corona Beer please and the strip steak please, done medium. thank you." I smile and hand her my menu.

"I will have the same thing as Ella, thank you. " Kyree says.

"Great minds think alike ?" He laughs to me.

"Ya I guess so." I laugh.

Myles, Johanne and Michael all order various items on the menu and Maren and I talk about what she thinks will be the summer trends.

Soon enough our food arrives and it is delicious. We all eat it very quickly.

"Who's ready to party???" Myles yells to the table.

I laugh. Myles is so funny, he is always up for anything and has so much energy.

We stand up from the table and head over to the club area. The club is right on the beach this is really cool. The beach is surrounded with little tiki lanterns and the DJ is up farthest from the water. Maren and I throw our heels into the sand. Immediately dudes come over to Myles and Kyree and start talking to them. Myles and Kyree know everyone.

Now me, Maren and Kyree are chatting while Myles is talking to some other man.

"Ahh! You have a kygo shirt! Where'd you get it from?" Maren
asks somewhat suspicious.

I see Kyree behind her mouthing 'don't tell her' and is shaking his head. I decided that means he doesn't want me to tell her I got it from him.

"Oh I ordered it online before Coachella. I loved Kyree's  music before I became friend with him." I laugh.

"Oh nice." Maren simply says and looks around.

"I'm going go see Ellie over here. I haven't seen her in forever!"Maren says and walks away.

Kyree looks relived and takes a deep breath. I give him a confused look.

"I'll explain later." He whispers

I nod. Myles and another Man barges in.

"Whose this pretty little thing?" A man who is obviously drunk asks Myles and Kyree and points to me. I cringe at the gross,drunken and perverted man. I open my mouth to speak but Myles interrupted me.

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