Chapter 5

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"Hey" She says quietly sitting on the couch.

"Hey" I respond and rub my neck, standing across from the couch next to a chair.

"I should get going, I know it's late and you probably need to get to bed too. I'll call my friends." She says and grabs her phone quickly. She goes to turn it on.

"Ughh of course it's dead. They are probably wondering where I am." She says looking down at her dead phone.

"It's fine there's a guest room here. You can stay in it." I say.

"Are you sure?" She asks unsure.

"Yea of course. Here I'll show you it." I say and she stands up to follow me.

We get to the bedroom. It looks just like mine. She looks around the room in the dim light.

"Thank you." She say sitting at the top of the bed by the headboard.

"No problem." I give a small smile.

"So, why didn't you want me to tell Maren this is your shirt." She asks giving a little laugh.

"Well, Maren- shes just gets a little protective and jealous. I don't want her to be mad at you and I don't want her to think something is going on between us." I say.

"Oh."' Is all she says in response.

"What do you mean 'oh'?" I ask.

"Nothing I just thought- never mind. How was your night?" She asks changing the subject.

"It was good thanks how was yours. I talked to Myles by the way. He said he was sorry and will probably apologize once he is sober." I say at sit down at the edge of the bed. She looks so pretty in the dark room with only the moon as light.

"Haha thanks alright. My night was fun. I danced, took some shots, made friends for the night." She laughs.

"Ya, I saw you dancing with that guy." I say.

"Oh ya Josh." She respond simply.

"You declined his number.. why?" I ask her confused.

"Because i didn't like him like that, and I just wanted to dance with someone. No one would dance with me besides him. And anyways, I barley know him." She responds.

"You barley know me." I respond and she looks up.

"Well- ya I guess. Tell me something about you." She asks.

"Well. My name is Kyree Gorvell-Dahll but I like it went people call me Kygo. Im 25 years old and I'm a tropical house artist, obviously. I'm from Norway and I enjoy playing football and writing music in my free time. Now tell me somethings about you." I ask her.

"Well, my name is Ella Rose Harrison. I'm 20 years old and I'm from NYC. My family is totally messed up so it's basically just me at home. I'm an aspiring singer/ songwriter and hope to work for Columbia Records someday. My favorite food are cheeseburgers and fries. That's basically it." She shrugs.

"I didn't know you sing and write music." I say surprised.

"Ya, maybe I'll show you some time." She says and I smile. Ella takes of her shoes and places then next to the bed. She lets down her hair and goes to the bathroom to clean off her make up. When she comes back her face is make up free and she walks back over and sits on the bed. She looks at the clock. It's 4:56am.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." She yawns and lays down.

"Goodnight." I watch her as she flutters her eyelids.

I wake up to the noise of a car horn outside the hotel. Where am I? Shit!!!! I forgot to go back to my room and feel asleep with Ella. Oh no- Maren will be pissed! My arm is around Ella's smooth stomach. I slowly get up and check the clock. It's 7:00! Hopefully no one is awake. I walk towards Ella's door and take one last look before I walk out the door. I tiptoe past Johannes Room then Myles, I go through the living area and reach my bedroom. I finally open the door and it screeches. Shit. I look to see if Maren is awake. Thank god she's not. I close the door slowly. I take off my shirt and jeans and lie them on the floor. I hop in Maren and I's bed quietly and lay down. Good thing no one saw me. I take a deep breath and turn onto my side. I fall back asleep, since it's still relatively dark outside.

3 hours later I wake up to Maren hooked on to my waist. She mumbles as I move.

"Where were you last night?"She asks sleepily.

"Wha-wha-what do you mean?" I ask worried. Oh no.

"You weren't in bed." She says un phased.

"Oh, I was writing some lyrics." I lie.

"Oh." She says and looks up at me. She smile.

"I love you." She says. I nods and give a small smile. I look up and try to clear my head. She gets out of bed.

"I'm going to take a shower then get ready for Coachella day 2!" She says excitedly.

"Okay babe, sounds good." I smile at her half naked body and she skips into the bathroom. I better go wake everyone up I think to myself. I walk over to Myles room and wake him up.

"Myles, cmon get up." I say and pat his back.

"Mhmmm." He mumbles.

"Cmon let's go to get breakfast then Coachella." I say and he get right up.

"Okay okay let me just take a shower." He says and stumbles to the bathroom.

Next I go to Johannes room. He's already awake and dressed.

"Hey, were gonna get breakfast then head to Coachella. You down?" I ask.

"Ya sure just come get me when your gonna leave." He says.

I close the door and end to Ella's door. I knock on it twice.

"Come in." Her raspy voice mumbles.

"Hey" I say.

"Hi." She mumbles and sits up from the bed.

"We are gonna get some breakfast the go to Coachella okay?" I ask her.

"Ya. Let me just get back into my jeans and brush my hair." She says. She hops out of bed with just her crop top and wear on. Damn. I bite my lip and look down, not knowing what to do.

"When we get to Coachella, I'm going to need to get back to my tent and change and put make up on. And check it with my friends." She says while pulling the pair of jeans up her leg.

"Okay that's fine." I say watching her every move.

"I'm ready." She says while grabbing her still dead phone.

"Okay Let's go. " I say and we walk into the living area. No one is there yet so we decided to just sit on the couch and wait.

Authors note!!
Hey guys!! It's the author here!! I hope you are enjoying this so far. Do you have any questions about me? The characters ? The book? Feel free to ask and vote!! Thank you so much!!

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