Chapter 35: Abused

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It's been almost 5 months since Dallas went to jail. His birthday was also coming up in a week too. It's sad that he wouldn't get to celebrate it with Amber. I sat on the couch bored when Mark came in.

"Hey baby" I said.

"Don't you hey baby me you whore!" he slurred.

"What'd I do?" I asked.

"Don't play dumb whore" he said.

"I'm not playing dumb and don't call me that!" I yelled at him.


"WHAT?! WHAT AM I DOING?!" I yelled in his face.

"You go the the fucking station fuck the officer so you can see Winston then go fuck him too. Shit you guys are probably doing it three-way!" he yelled.

I stood there shocked.


"You fuck Winston every night when I'm gone cause you love that good for nothing hood!" he yelled.

"Don't call him that!" I yelled pushing him.

He pushed me into the glass table breaking it underneath me.

"You fat bitch! Look what you've done!" he yelled hitting me.

He slapped me and punched me. Soon he took out his knife and sliced by arm a bit. I screamed in pain. He continued to beat me when he took the vase and bashed it over my head. He picked me up and dragged me to the mirror by the front door and hit my head against it causing it to break.

"You good for nothing whore. I only wanted you to fuck you! And now that I has enough I don't want Winstons left overs!" he yelled cutting my clothes and threw me to the ground. He left and slammed the door behind him. I was about to get up when I collapsednonto the ground with everything going black.

I was sitting bored out of my mind. I took out my wallet and saw a picture of Lexi.

"Hey Lexi bug. I miss you" I whispered to the picture smiling.

"Dallas get up" George said.

"What?" I said.

"You're out early. Convinced us you we're good enough to go home" he said and unlocked the cell. I left and went straight to the Curtis house. Everyone was there except Lexi.

"Guys I'm back!" I said and everyone hugged me.

"Lexi's at home if you wanna see her" Amber said.

"She's probably with her boyfriend but he left hours ago cause I saw him walking down the street a few minutes ago" O said and I nodded.

I headed to Lexi's place and opened the door. When I did it looked like a fucking blood bath up in here. I saw something from behind the couch and I saw it was lexi. I knelt down next to her and cradled her in my arms.

"Lexi no" I whispered looking at her. I started to cry. I couldn't protect her and now I maybe lost her. I feel like shit now.

I picked up the phone and dialed the officers. They came over and George looked at me shocked.

"Don't do anything stupid. You just got out. She doesn't need you gone again on top of this" he said and I nodded.

We were driven to the hospital and they took her to surgery. I called up Darry to tell him the news.

"Darry" I said.

"No, this is Steve" he said and hung up.

I sighed and called again.

"Darry?" I said.

"Nope, still Steve" he said but before he could hang up I yelled.

"FOR FUCK SAKES STEVE GIVE THE DAMN PHONE TO DARRY!" I yelled and soon Darty answered the phone.

"What is it Dallas" he said.

"I'm at the hospital. Get the gang" I said.

He hung up and soon everyone was here. Amber looked worried and came up to me.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Lexi" I said.

The doctor came out and smiled.

"I can only allow one person back there right now. Her surgery she did great by the way" she said.

"Go Dal" everyone said and I followed her.

"Boyfriend?" she asked and I nodded.

I saw Lexi and I looked at her smiling.

"Hi Lexis" I said kissing her forehead.

"Dallas..." she said angrily.

"Whats wrong Angel" I asked.

"Tell him to leave" she said looking at the doctor.

"I'm sorry but she doesn't want to see you" she said and lead me out.

Amber then walked in and I sat outside her door crying. I broke her heart.

I was sitting there crying to Amber. I love him but he left me.

"Who" she asked.

"Mark" I said and she nodded.

"You'll be alright okay?" she said and I nodded.

After a while I was able to leave and when Amber helped me out I saw Dally sitting on the ground with his head burried into his lap. Amber drove me home and I went straight to bed.

"You fat bitch! Look what you've done!" his words kept repeating in my head.

Hope you like it! Stay gold!

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