Chapter 8: News?

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I woke up and I was sleeping on the couch with Dally's arms around me. I saw the tv was still on so I grabbed the remote and shut it off. I tried moving but Dal's grip got tighter. I let it be and went back to sleep.

I woke up and saw I was holding Lexi tightly. I let her go and carefully set her down on the couch while I woke up. I tried to find a blanket but I couldn't find one so I took off my jacket and set it on top of her. I left her place and drove to the Curtis house.

I woke up again seeing Dally was gone. I got up and his jacket was around me. I went back to my room and looked for an outfit to wear. I picked out ripped blue jeans and a black tank top with Dally's jacket. When I went downstairs everyone was ready. We got into the car and drove to the Curtis house. Half way there Amber asked me a question.

"Lexi, are you and Dal dating?" she asked. Did she seriously ask if I was dating her twin brother?

"No, why would you think that?" I asked.

"You're wearing his jacket and you two have been hanging together a lot" she said smirking.

"Oh, he left it at our place last night. I was just gonna give it back" I said shrugging.

"Oh, alright then" she said smirking and we continued on driving.

We arrived to the Curtis house and Amber knocked on the door.

"YA KNOW YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOCK?!" Dallas yelled and we opened the door.

"I know but it's rude to walk in" she said.

Soon enough O saw Darry and ran over to him making out. I looked at Dally and raised an eyebrow. He looked at me and chuckled. While they kept making out Dally wrapped an arm around me.

"You're wearing my jacket" he whispered into my ear.

"Oh, that's right" I said starting to take it off.

"Keep it, it looks good on ya" he said smirking.

"Dal, I've got my own jacket and this is your favorite one" I said taking it off.

I gave it to him and he grabbed it. He looked at it and looked at me. He leaned close to me and whispered into my ear.

"Now Alexis, I know you haven't seen me in three years and you don't know how I've changed but let me tell you this. I'm Dallas Winston and I always get what I want and I want ya to keep the jacket" he whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine.

He pulled away from me and smirked.

"Dallas, I just don't want to take it from you" I said looking down.

"Lexi, you look great in it. Keep it. I have another one" he said and I sighed.

"Fine" I said and put the jacket on.

We looked over and O and Darry were still eating each others faces.

"Are they gonna stop eating each other soon?" I whispered to Dal making him chuckle.

When they finally stopped eating each others faces we all sat in front if the Tv to watch Mickey Mouse probably. I sat down on the floor while Lexi sat next to me smiling. God she made me crazy. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Amber walk away once Soda tried to sit by her. O and Darry then got up and went to the kitchen. After a while Soda got up and left. Lexi leaned towards me and whispered a question.

"What happened?" she whispered and I just shrugged.

We continued to watch tv when I saw Amber running from the kitchen to Soda's room.

"Wanna leave?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let's go" she said getting up.

Dal and I left the house and he drove us to Bucks. When we got there we sat on the stools talking to Buck.

"Not many people?" I asked.

"Nope" he said.

"Buck, drink" Dal said and he nodded.

Buck brought us some beers and we started drinking and talking.

"You know the whole time while you were gone I missed you so much" I said.

"You did?" he asked.

"Yeah, it was hard to even look at Amber sometimes" I said.

He nodded and we kept drinking and drinking. It was dark out and we were seriously drunk.

"Buck, pour me another..." I slurred.

"Me too" Dal said.

"Guys you two are seriously drunk...are you sure?" he asked and I nodded.

He gave us another glass of beer. Soon that one turned to 4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Eventually he stopped giving us drinks.

"You know Lexi, I never told you this but I like you. I have for years now. Have since we met and I have since I saw you with Amber. I know people said I use broads for sex but your different. I'd never admit it to you but I missed you when I left. When you came in and said Adam raped you it hurt me that I couldn't protect you...I haven't said this in so long but Lexi...I love you so fuckin much" he slurred and I giggled.

"Love you to Dallas" I slurred giggling.

Dal leaned towards me and kissed me. Rough and passionately. I sat on Dally's lap and deepened the kiss. I knew both of us probably didn't mean it well I knew he didn't at least. He hasn't said the word love since he was little and that was so many years ago. I knew nothing would be the same but I didn't care. As long as this moment felt like forever.

Buck (You weren't expecting this where you?)
They were drinking and became seriously drunk. They drank so much Dal started telling Lexi he has feelings for her. I hope to god neither of them remember this. Then he said something i'd never thought I'd hear in years.

"I love you so fuckin much" he said and kissed her.

She sat on his lap and they started making out. After a while she gets up and giggles. Dal and Lexi started to go up the stairs well they tried at least. They didn't even hit the first stair when they both collapsed onto the ground.

"Shit" I muttered.

I picked up Lexi and put her in Dally's bed. I put the blankets over her and went downstairs. I looked at Dally lying on the ground passed out. I rolled my eyes and tried picking him up.

"Goddamn it Dallas, what the fuck do you eat?" I muttered.

After about 20 minutes of trying to pick him up I gave up. I grabbed his feet and dragged him to the couch. I was almost to the couch when his head hit the table.

"Fuck!" I muttered.

"Sorry Dallas, you're gonna have one hell of a headache tomorrow" I muttered shrugging.

I grabbed the pillows and put it underneath him. I sighed and grabbed the blanket also setting it on top of him. I rolled my eyes and went to my room going to bed.

Hope you liked this chapter and also Buck's POV was really fun to do.

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