Chapter 67: Married

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I woke up in my old room and I smiled. Today was the day Dallas and I would be married. I got up and walked into Brooke's room.

"Hey Brooke, can you help me with my hair" I asked and she smiled.

"Of course! We gotta make you look perfect for Dal!" she said and I giggled.

After a while we were all ready and it was noon. We all got into the car and drove to the lake.

I was sitting on the couch with Bloom. She looked just like Amber. Acted like her too.

"You know you're just like your mother you know?" I said to her.

"I know she already made a promise to care for you unlike your grandparents cared for us. I also know she's gonna keep that promise and I promise the same. No one is gonna hurt you or your brother. Not while I'm alive" I said and she looked at me and smiled.

After a while Soda came in with his tux on.

"Dal you should go get ready. Thanks for watching Bloom for me" he said and I nodded.

I saw him walk over to Pony who was currently watching Pepsi. I went to the bathroom and started to get ready. Soon when we were done we headed to the lake. The guys went to the front but I waited at the entrance so I could walk Amber. Don't worry I didn't see Lexi either. They hid her so I wouldn't see.

Once I walked Amber down I saw Darry walking down Lexi. She was stunning. My mouth was wide open and Soda looked at me and chuckled. So did Amber.

"You're gonna catch flies" Amber whispered and I hushed her.

Soon it was Bell who walked O down, and Two walked Evie down.

Once I was at the podium the Priest started speaking. After Amber and Soda shared their vows it was mine and Dal's turn.

"Dallas, you drive me insane i'll give you that but no matter what there are too many words to describe how much I love you. I promise to care for you and be your friend even though you have enough. When I first met you I was shy to talk to you because I knew I fell in love. When I realized you were Amber's brother that made me feel even more crazy about you. It took so long for me to build up the courage to tell you how I felt and I know from the long long year's we've been friends I'll never let go of this moment of us being together for as long as we live and even after. I love you Texas and there's no one us rather be with than the infamous Dallas Tucker Winston" I said smiling while the gang chuckled from me calling him by his middle name.

"Alexis, I love you so so much. You are the light to my darkest days and times. When I first met you the first thing I thought was "What good have I done to have God send me this Angel?" even though we have our stupid arguments you are the one that keeps me sane but still manage to make me go crazy over you. I promise to hold you, to comfort you, and to never judge you. I promise to be there for you when you need it. When you're going through your toughest times I'll be there and I'll never stop loving you. I'll love you till death, I'll love you till I take my last breath, and I'll love you even more in the life after. You've changed me Angel and there's no one in this world i'd rather have as my wife than you" he said and I was about to cry. As I tried holding back the tears I failed and soon the tears came out. I jumped into his arms and hugged him.

Once everyone was done with their vows we slipped the rings onto each other and the priest smiled.

"I don't see any reason to slit these wonderful couples but if there's any reason why these people shouldn't marry speak now or forever hold your piece" he said and it was silent. Good. I thought Erik would've said something.

"By the power invested in me by the state of Oklahoma I-" he started but was soon interrupted by the girl from the dress store.

"WAIT! Amber and Soda shouldn't marry along with the others!" she yelled.

"Why?" the priest asked.

"Those girls don't love them like I do! They're using them for their looks! O doesn't really love Darry she only is with him cause she couldn't have Lincoln and Amber! She's just a whore who likes Soda based off of looks! Lexi doesn't even love Dal either. He doesn't even know that she's cheating on him secretly! And Evie! She only uses Steve. She doesn't love him! She uses him because she can't get anyone else!" she yelled and then turned to Amber's kids.

She tried to take them but Alice from the Dingo interfered. The lady hit Alice grabbing Bloom and Pepsi but then Amber came down and beat the hell out of Laurel and then once the gang threw her out she grabbed her kids and handed the kids back to her and walked back up to the alter.

"Continue please" she said and he nodded.

"By the power invested in me by the state of Oklhoma I now pronounce Amberle and Soda, Dallas and Alexis, Octavia and Darrel, and Steve and Evelyn as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" he said and we all kissed and the gang all yelled.

"GET A ROOM!" they yelled and we all laughed.

After the wedding Dallas and the great of the got into the limo and Erik grabbed my arm quickly before I could get in.

"Congratulations Lexi" he said and I smiled.

"Thank you Reynolds" I said and we hugged.

I left back to the limo and we all drove to Bucks to celebrate for the rest of the night.

I hope you enjoyed! There will be maybe two more chapters until the end and Stay Gold!

I hope you enjoyed! There will be maybe two more chapters until the end and Stay Gold!~Caity💛

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Lexi's wedding ring

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