The Wolf's Dance

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Well, I'm starting to re-write all the chapters! Finally!


I was being the daredevil child I was and wasn't wearing a seat belt.  I was dancing along to the radio in the back seat when lights filled my vision. When I snapped my head forward I saw a car coming straight towards us. I screamed for my parents to look. When they did notice it was too late. My father tried to turn the car a different way but we were hit. The impact caused the airbags to open.

It was like slow motion. I saw my mothers face collided with the airbag, leaving a huge gash. The car started to roll down the road. When the ground was on my side of the car, for a split second, time paused. I saw my mother and father screaming with tears streaking their faces. I saw them holding each others hands. 

Then, like it was meant to happen, I slipped right out. Unharmed. My butt hit the ground and the car continued on its death path. It finally stopped, hundreds of feet away from me, by the side of the road. 

I sat there, shocked at what just happened. Here I was, sitting perfectly fine, and my car was upside down, holding my parents captive, down the road. From here, I could tell it was banged up beyond repair. The doors all bent in, ceiling crunched together. All the tires were bent in odd directions. The gas was leaking out of the car, streaming towards the forest in a little river.

I screamed for them. I begged for them to be okay. From the distance I was sitting at, my mother looked at me. She smiled and more tears streamed down her face.

I started to run towards her. Pushing my legs as fast as they could carry me. But something made me freeze. A man in a black hooded sweatshirt was slowly walking out of the woods and down the road, towards the car. He had something that shined from the moon light in his hand. When he was close enough, he held it up and opened it. It produced an orange flame.

'No!' I screamed as he through it on the river of gas, again it seemed like slow motion. The fire started and slowly made it's way up the little river. I looked at my mother again and she was watching the fire with wide eyes. The car then caught fire. The air filled with my parents screams but as it kept burning, I realized, some of the screams were mine. I shut my mouth and turned towards the man. He was walking towards me now. I felt my blood turn cold. Not with fear, but with rage. My heart beat quickened and my breathing became uneven. My bones started popping and I screamed in pain. I fell to my knees, vomiting everything in my stomach.

'What was this?' I asked myself.

Boots entered my vision and I looked up. I could see his face now. He wasn't pretty lets say that. He had grey eyes that were emotionless. His cheek bones were poking out from his skin. The skin that was deathly pale.

'Who are you?' My voice didn't sound like me. It was deeper than normal. Deadly even.

'Your worst nightmare, sweetheart. I'm sorry about your parents but it's my job. Now, I have to finish it. Good bye Serena." He voice cold, he drew back his hand and I saw a gun.

Something inside of me broke. All the emotions I was holding back came out.

Rage. Hate. Sadness. And most of all, revenge.

I closed my eyes and screamed as pain overtook me. He froze I could tell I was freaking him out.

'Good.' Was my last thought as blackness entered my vision, but not before hearing a growl somewhere.


I sat straight up from my seat, gasping for breath as the same nightmare faded from my mind. I shivered as I saw my parents bloody faces in my head. I should be used to these nightmares by now, I get them every night. But I'm not. It's the same nightmare every time, but it still scares me. Even if its been 9 years since it's happened.


It's been 9 years since that crash and since I woke up in the hospital. I had a slight concussion and had just shifted into my wolf for the first time. My brother was next to me and explained what happened slowly, afraid he would break me. But I just sat there, hands in my lap and listened. When he was done explaining, it all came back to me. Everything.

All the memories I didn't know I had, came back like a ton of bricks. I felt tears weld up in my eyes as I looked up at my only family left. Zadian noticed the tears and sat on the bed with me. He held me as the crash kept flashing before my eyes.

After a few days, the hospital let me go and we went home. But it didn't feel right. Our parents were Alphas of the pack and when they died the Betas took over. We didn't feel the need to stay there. So we packed up all our stuff and called our grandparents from a different state. They said they would come and get us in a few days.

We stayed in our old house, crying every hour about our loss. Some of the pack came by to wish us luck and say sorry. It just made us cry harder. Finally, days later, our grandparents arrived and took us with them away from Michigan and to Florida. We stayed with them for years until the summer before my senior year.

They died in a car crash as well. But this one, not as bloody. It was a crash with 2 other cars, all the passengers died.

So that brings us to the present. Zadian decided that we're going to move again. To where? We don't know yet. We're just driving until we feel it's right to stop.


I kept gasping, squeezing my eyes shut to get rid of the pictures. Finally the went away.

"Are you okay?" Zadian asked from the drivers seat. I looked over at him and nodded.

"Yeah, just another nightmare."

"You really should get those checked out, Serena." He said sounding worried. I can understand his worries, but really I'm fine.

"I'm fine Zadian. See." I smiled as bright as I could.

"Mhmm sure you are."

"Don't sound so doubtful big brother. Just because I have nightmare about the crash doesn't make me unstable." It doesn't, does it?

"I know, its just not very healthy."

"Maybe I go to the doctors when we find a place to live, okay?" I reasoned with him.

"Fine." He pouted. I chuckled and turned towards the window.

This is going to be a long ride.


Yay! It's longer than what it used to be! For people who didn't know I posted this last summer and it was crappy.  So I'm starting to re-write all my chapter before I continue.

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