Chapter 4

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Oh my sweet baby panda! I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!

I know I said I would finish re-writing this book by the end of the summer, but that didn't happen, did it?

Time just flew by, and I'm not trying to make any excuses but, I moved into a new house in one month, started my sophomore year in high school, and had so much family and boyfriend drama its stupid.

First, I moved from my city house to out in the country. Let me tell you, it's WEIRD. Second, I'm about 2-3 months in school now, and they're really pushing the whole 'SAT practice' crap. (<it's retarded, really -_-) Third, alot of stuff happened in my family, but I'm not going to explain. Forth and final, my boyfriend and I broke up. I know what you think, 'Oh it was only 10 months, you'll get over it.'. And trust me I have. That was months ago and I'm already seeing someone else. Think what you will, call me a slut, but I've moved on.

Again, sorry for not updating but you can see why. ^^^

I'm also sorry for ranting or whatever the hell it was, and hopefully it won't happen again.

Now! On ward with our quest!

Picture to the side is of Maggie!


I grunted as I dropped the heavy box on the bed. It seemed to way more than what it should. I know being a werewolf is supposed to give you super strength and crap, but jeez that was heavy.

Zadian and I are in the middle of, guess what. Just go on, guess.

That's right! We're in the middle of moving into a house!

After a long discussion and talking with some locals, we decided to settle down here. We talked to Sam and asked if we could become part of the pack. He welcomed us with open arms and even offered a house on the packs property to us. We checked a few out and found the perfect one for us.

It's a simple one level home. It has two bedrooms that each have their own bathroom. It has a living room, a kitchen, dinning room, family room, closets, etc. It all even had brand new furniture in it! Sam said all the newly built house did, which I thought was pretty cool. It helped us out alot, because now we didn't have to go and buy all of it.

We reasoned out a price with Sam, painted the rooms the colors we wanted, and went and got all the supplies and necessities we needed. All that in the time span of three days!

I was currently in my new room. It had light purple walls and was fairly big. the bed was pushed up against the left wall. I had a desk towards the right of the room and three doors on the walls. The entry door, bathroom door, and then my closet door.

Zadian and I have been bringing in boxes to the different rooms for about an hour now. When we finished, we started unpacking it all.

We started with the living room and made our way around the house until we got to our separate bedrooms. We split ways then and unpacked our rooms separately.

I sighed as I looked around my room. This may take awhile..


After making the bed, hanging up and folding clothes, stocking the bathroom, and hanging up the few family pictures I have, I was finally done.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 10:37. So I grabbed a pair of pajamas and under garments, and went into the bathroom. I started the warm water and stripped my clothes off. I felt the warm water automatically relieving my aching muscles. After standing there for a few minutes, I finished up and got out. I threw on my clothes and brushed my teeth.

Flipping the light switch while walking out of the bathroom, I went to look for my brother. Seeing him in the living room watching some scary movie, I tip toed my way to behind the couch. Lowering my head to right behind his head, I let out a ear piercing scream. Zadian jumped off the couch and fell on his ass. By then I was literally on the ground laughing, with tears streaming down my face.

"Rena! What was that for!?" I could barley make out around my laughing. After calming down and rolling over to face my doom, I saw that Zadian had a smile on his face as well.

"I couldn't help it." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Yeah, yeah whatever. You should go to bed now." He said while helping me off the ground.

"I was going to any way silly. I came out here to say good night."

"Well then, good night Rena." Zadian said as he pulled me into his arms for a quick hug and kissed me on the forehead.

"Nighty night!" I yelled as I skipped down the hallway, hearing his laughter behind me.

I shut the bedroom door and turned off the light. I snuggled into my blankets and finally drifted off to sleep, where the nightmares started once again.


Sunlight streaming the the window curtains woke me up the next morning. Looking at the clock it was only 9:46 so I decided to get up and make breakfast for Zadian.

But as I walked into the kitchen, I saw Zadian beat me to it. He was frying up some eggs with bacon and toast already on some plates. Upon hearing my footsteps, Zadian turned around.

"Oh hey I was just about to wake you up." He said as he put the eggs on the plates.

"Well I was going to make breakfast for you but you beat me to it." I said as I pulled out the milk and poured two glasses. I handed one too him as he handed me a plate.

"Thank you." He said as he walked into the dinning room.

"No, thank you. So what are your plans for today?" I asked as I sat down across from him.

"Well, I'm going to go job hunting today and see what I can find."

"Really? Where do you think you'd like to work?" I asked him curious.

"I was thinking the old record store or some food shop, but I'll take whatever really." He shrugged.

I nodded while scooping eggs into my mouth.

"What about you?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Um, I was going to go walk around the packs land and maybe see what Maggie is doing."

"Well just be careful okay? And stay out of trouble." He said while raising an eyebrow at me.

I held my hands up as I smirked. "No promises."

He laughed and shook his head. After he finished his plate he got up and took it to the sink.

"Can you do the dishes for me?" He asked as he grabbed his keys off the entryway table.

"I was going to anyway because you cooked it." I nodded.

"Thank you. I'll see you when I get home later okay?"

"Yup! Love you, now go get a job young man!" I said while pushing him out the door.

"Love you too!" He said while he closed the door to his truck.

After finishing the dishes, I got dressed in cute ripped shorts, a yoshi crop top and my high tops. I tossed my hair into a neat pony tail and applied minimal makeup. I grabbed my phone, money and keys while walking out the door.

Now, where should I go?


There! Not my best chapter ever, but it will have to do.

I think that was maybe the longest chapter I've ever written. I was going to write more but it's almost midnight and I'm exhausted.

So, tell me what you think!

Did you hate it? Was it stupid? Please tell me! Comment below or message me, either way I would love to know your input!

Hopefully I can update again within this weekend, but no promises.


Love Livvy <3

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