Chapter 3

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Sooo.. I know you all probably hate me right now, but I'm going to make it up to you, promise! I'll make this rewritten chapter as long as possible.. But considering its about 11:30 at night.. It might not get that far.

Anyways, sorry I've been procrastinating on writing, but I got caught up in all the books I'm currently reading! I can't help it! They're just SO GOOD!

I think it's time to sign myself up for rehab. I'm well past addicted to reading now. Take today as an example. I've been camping since Saturday and staying the night at my house tonight, to catch a breather, before going back until Sunday. Well I got home at about 11 am and started reading a new book I discovered from a friend of mine. It's about 34, 35 parts long and about 300 or so pages. Well, I finished that book at about 4:30 and stated another. I then finished that book at 10 pm. So I've been reading for about 11 hours straight.

Call me crazy, and sign me up for the looney bin.

I also discovered the perfect way to make Velveeta mac and cheese. I'm not going to tell you though, it's a secret! So you can guess what I made for lunch. And it was AMAZING!

I think I just found the new love of my life.. (No one tell my boyfriend!)

Hope you enjoy this chapter and don't decide to throw sharp, pointy things at me for not updating sooner!

FYI: So I'm writing about Nashville and I don't exactly live there, so I'm just winging it. If any of you feel the need to tell me if I get any thing wrong, please message me or comment. It'd be very much appreciated. :)


"Okay, that's the movie theater over there." Maggie said as she pointed towards the building to our right. This is how our past hour has been, Logan driving around and Maggie pointing out what is what. We were drifting towards the end of our tour, seeing we were about to the edge of town.

So far we'd seen; A few clothing stores, a pet shop, a bicycle shop, a candy and ice cream parlor, a few resturants, houses and apartments, and now the movies. This town is actually pretty fun. Maggie even showed us her high school, but seeing as it was summer, there was no one there.

"If you guys are staying for a while, I'll introduce you to some of my friends. I don't have very many close friends, so don't laugh." Maggie said shyly.

"I won't. I don't even have friends." I said and smiled at her.

"Well you do now!" Maggie said and squeezed my shoulder from the back seat.

I smiled at her and asked her to tell us about her friends.

"Well, there's Jake, Lola, and Logan. Jake's been my best friend since about 4th grade when he stood up to a bully for me. He actually admitted that he has more-than-friendly feelings for me a few weeks ago, and we've been going on a few date since." Maggie said with a soft smile and a loving look in her eyes.

"Yuck. Did not need to hear girly, sappy stuff." Zadian mumbled to himself, but seeing as he's in a car of werewolfs, it didn't work out. We bother slapped him on the shoulder and I nodded at Maggie to continue.

"Then there's Lola. Our mom's have been friends since high school and we met at a get together they were having. That was freshman year. She's pretty nice for the types of girls we have in our grade." She sighed, disappointed in the slutty girls now-in-days.

"Finally, Logan. Mine and Logan's dad's have been best friends for, like ever. Logan's dad is the Alpha, who you just met, and my dad is the Beta. I met Logan in the middle of Junior year, and have been good friends with him since. The only thing I don't like about the boy, is his on-again, off-again girlfriend. Is it sad I don't even know her name? Ah, oh well. But other than that, he's a sweet kid." She finished just as we pulled back into the motel's parking lot.

"Well, that was fun. Thanks for coming with us Maggie." I said as we all got out of the car and stretched.

"Yeah. Thanks for inviting me!" She said and hugged me briefly.

I froze. I wasn't really used to people hugging me other than Zadian. I looked at Zadian to see his encouraging smile for me to make some friends. I smiled back and hugged Maggie back. She pulled away a few seconds later and smiled at me.

"I think we're going to be great friends!" She said and started jumping up and down on spot. I laughed and starting jumping too, realizing that we probably looked like idiots right now, but not caring. I just made a new friend!

Boo fucking yah!


I sat in bed that night, having troubles falling asleep. I sighed as I leaned over the bed and grabbed my phone and ear buds. I plugged them into my ears and let my music calm me a little. It helped a little, but not enough to get me to sleep. I kept moving around.

Sigh. Turning the opposite direction.

Moving legs to more comfortable position.


Itching back and putting arms about head.


I shut my eyes again, but only for a minute because I felt eyes on me. I popped one eye open and look at Zadian's worried face.

I took the ear buds out and paused the music.

"Yes?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"Well, I can't sleep because a certain sister of mine is moving every five seconds." He said sounding worried.

"Sorry. Can't sleep."

"Move over." He said as he got under the blankets with me. When we were younger, before the crash, Zadian would sleep in my bed if I was scared at night. But after the crash, he stopped. Seeing as I was scared every night, due to the nightmares, it'd just be silly.

So I found it very sweet that he's doing it tonight.

"Better?" Zadian asked quietly. I nodded and put my head on his shoulder as we stared at the ceiling in silence. "How do you like it here?"

"I love it here." I said. It was true. The city was great and the people were so nice. It was such a cute and lovely city.

"Well, I was thinking.." He trailed off.

"Uh oh. Don't go doing that. You might hurt yourself." I said in a fake sympathy voice.

He chuckled but ingored the jab. "I was thinking that maybe, just maybe, we could stay here."

I was silent.

Thinking about living here brought a smile to my face. Knowing that I had at least one friend made it even better.

"Ya. That'd be awesome Zadian." I said as my eye lids started to droop.

"Okay. We'll talk more in the morning. Good night Serena." He said as he kissed my forehead.

I mumbled a 'Night' before I was greeted with the sight of the crash.


Dawww! Such a good big brother Zadian is. I wish my brother and I were like that. But, trust me, we're not! He actually younger than me by 5 years and is the devil. I swear to God that he is the demon spawn that got loose from the laboratory.

It's now 12:50 am sooo.. I'm going to bed now!

Sorry it isn't that long..

Nighty night, don't let the demon brothers bite!

Love Livvy <3

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