Chapter 2

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Third rewritten chapter!



To say I didn't sleep much last night would be an understatement. I kept waking up to the image of my twisted and bent car. Or the flames that the car produced. Or the screaming my parents made.

Do you know what sucks the most about these nightmares?

Knowing that I survived and my parents didn't. It kills me to think that they could be alive right now. They could be here with us.

I snapped out of my thoughts when a pancake was thrown at my face. It landed right over my eyes. I brought my hand up and peeled it off. I looked and found Zadian silently laughing at me.

We were in the motels eating area, getting pancakes for breakfast. I had drifted off to my own little world, which I tend to do often.

"You think this is funny? Throwing a pancake at your little sister, huh? Is that what we've come too?" I asked while picking up my own pancake.

"Now, Rena, think of what you're doing here. Think of the consequences. This could lead to a full out food fight." Zadian tried to compromise with me, but I wasn't having it. He would get what he deserves.

"Hmm.. Let me think about it.. Nope! Still going to throw it!" I said as I threw the pancake at his face. I laughed as it slowly fell down his face. The shocked face he had was priceless.

"Naww. What's wrong big brother? Shocked that I would actually do it?" I smirked at him.

"Actually, yeah I am shocked. I didn't think you would do it. Naww, my Rena's growing up!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I half shouted.

"Just that the old you is coming back out. When Mom and Dad died, you changed. And not a good kind of change. You didn't talk much and you kept to your self a lot. It's just, with this road trip, the old you-the one before the crash-is coming back out. And I'm proud of you for that."

"Oh" I was shocked. I didn't even know I changed.

"It's not a bad thing. It's a great thing that your returning back to normal."

I was silent after that. We finished our pancakes and milk, then made our way back to our room.

Once we got back Zadian told me to get ready.

"For what?" I asked as I pulled out a fresh pair of clothes. I figured where ever we're going, I can just dress in jeans and a tank top.

"We're going on a tour of the city!" He said as he walked into the bathroom to change.

He came out a few minutes later in a pair of tan shorts and black tee shirt. His carmel hair spiked out in every direction. We look a lot alike but our eyes are different colors. Mine are blue like our Moms, and his are a forest green like our Dads. Other than that, we could be twins.

"Your turn! And hurry!" He said while pushing me into the bathroom.

"Okay okay, yessh"

I shut the bathroom door and washed my face in the sink. Pulling out my toothbrush, I scrubbed my teeth. I then undressed and threw on the faded jeans and plain navy blue tank top. Running the brush threw my hair, I untangled the frizzy mess it was, and made it look decent.

I walked out of the bathroom, hitting the light on the way out. Grabbing my iPhone, room key and some money, I said: "Lets do this thing!"

On our way out we spotted Maggie.

"Maggie!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"What!" She scream right back.

I smiled. "Are you busy?" I stopped screaming and walked up to her.

"Um, no not right now, why?" She said looking curious.

"Can you leave?"

"Yeah but I have to tell my boss."

"Tell you boss what?" Said a new voice.

I turned around and found a 40ish year old man in a black suit. His tie was different though. It was a fish.

"Nice tie." I said nodding my head in approval.

"Thanks!" He smiled. "I'm Samuel." He held out his hand.

I shook his hand and said: "I'm Serena, and that's my brother Zadian."

Zadian smiled and said 'Hi'.

"So what did you need Mags?" He smiled at her.

"Oh well Serena and Zadian wanted me to go..?" She looked at us.

"On a tour of the city." I stated.

"Ah, okay. Yeah you can go Mags, have fun. Be careful!" He said. "Oh and I'm also Alpha of the pack here so if you plan on staying, let me know and I'll get you guys introduced to the pack."

"Oh. I didn't even realize you guys are werewolf's.." I trailed off.

He frowned and said: "Maybe you just weren't paying attention."

"Yeah I'm sure that's it."

"Well! Let's go then!" Maggie said as she stood up and walked to the door.

"Bye!" I said to Samuel. He waved bye.

"Shot gun!" I yelled.

"No fair!" Maggie pouted.

"Too bad, so sad." I said and climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up.

Zadian just laughed at us at started the car as Maggie climbed in the back.


Hope you enjoyed!


Love Livvy <3

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