☉Participant Entries☉

1.7K 67 1K

Yes, this is where the fun stuff comes in!

Now we can truly begin - but please do remember the rules!

Your story must have at least 3 chapters, it cannot be fanfiction/random/nonfiction, and it must be under 5k reads.

I know - being in the Watty's or those other large awards with all those people and the big authors can be discouraging. But do not worry; there is always a place for you here. Remember, just because you are small doesn't mean you can't get anywhere in this community. Not only do I myself invite you to a friendly, yet competitive environment, but I encourage you to go out there and really work your way. This is not the only awards that will lovingly take you in, but I am so glad that you have found your way here.

Have fun, be confident, and if you don't win, at least you will have won the hearts of me, your judge, and hopefully other contestants!

I welcome you to the Solstice Awards.

Please do not comment here, comment inline to your corresponding genre. Do not worry, I will copy and paste the format for you in the comments so that you do not forget!

# of chapters:
Language (if not English):
Tags (minimum of 3 people):


-Action/Adventure- [CLOSED]

-Chicklit- [CLOSED]

-Fantasy- [CLOSED]

-General Fiction- [CLOSED]

-Historical Fiction- [CLOSED]

-Horror/Paranormal- [CLOSED]

-Humor- [CLOSED]

-Mystery/Thriller- [CLOSED]

-Poetry- [CLOSED]

-Romance- [CLOSED]

-Science Fiction- [CLOSED]

-Short Story- [CLOSED]

-Spiritual- [CLOSED]

-Teen Fiction- [CLOSED]

-Vampire/Werewolf- [CLOSED]


If I must, I will join together genres or seperate them depending on how many entries they get.

The limit is 20 entries per category, but I will make an acception - if 5 genres exceed this limit of entries, then it will rise to 30. But only if 5 genres make it!

The Solstice Awards  (2018) - CLOSED FOR JUDGINGWhere stories live. Discover now