☉Host Post - Story Time!!!☉

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Before I start, I would like to give a shout out to one of my greatest friends on Wattpad.

If you guys could pretty please with a cherry on top check out Alexander_Chase's first horror story, Dominic's Game

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If you guys could pretty please with a cherry on top check out Alexander_Chase's first horror story, Dominic's Game. Not only because it's a good horror story, but also because he deserves more attention! It would mean a lot to both me and him ♡

And I'm actually really excited about this game!!

So this has to do with chains. This game had a name to it, but I don't know what it is.

The rules of this game are simple! So I will start off a phrase using 5 words and leave it open to anyone. Then the first person to come will leave an inline comment continuing my phrase using 5 words. They will leave it open to other people who will also use 5 words responding to each other.

Here's an example.


Yugana_Penrozu - When I run for president...
BladesOfCourage - I will pick my nose...
Spider-Hawk - and rub my boogers on...
Alexander_Chase - every single degenerate I see...
GrandArkirah - then put our country into...
celaenamoon - deeper national debt than before...

Etc. Etc. (Thanks guys for letting me use you as an example even though you had no say xDD)

The only thing is - THERE IS NO END!

The stories go on forever, so you cannot say "The End!" You'll ruin the fun for other people! You can put periods and commas where you think they're needed if you're a Grammar Nazi and don't like run-on sentences, but please don't end the stories!


There should only be one chain per comment section! This is to ensure that people are actually commenting to each other and making the craziest story ever!

You may not comment consecutively! So if you already replied, you must wait for somebody to comment after you to comment another 5 words if you want to do that.

Also, you may comment to every single chain if you wish, just be sure you aren't commenting consecutively!!!

With that being said, let's make the craziest stories ever!!

But do keep in mind that these should not get too out of hand - nothing too offensive or of the like!

I wish that I owned...

I left the party because...

My leg broke when I...

My phone has too much...

The old man once said,"...

I got so mad that...

There's nothing more scary than...

It is hilarious when a...

Each person has their own...

Why can't people learn to...

After I ate beans, I...

People don't know how to...

When I become president, I'll...

Dragons are awesome when they...

Purple is always better because...

My Wattpad crush has a...

Pewdiepie really loves it when...

Books are another way to...

I hit my friend with...

I walked in on my...

Everytime I dance, I accidentally...

When I get married, I...

This is dumber than the...

I cannot believe that you...

I once just tried to...

That's a lot of chains!! I can't wait to see the chaos in my notifications, lol!!

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