☉Host Post - Didney ☉

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Yes, I did spell the title that way on purpose because I love the meme (dunno why either).

So in this game, I will be singing Disney songs, and you will have to guess which Disney movie it is from!!

The songs are both from recent movies and old movies. If you're a real Disney fan, then this one is for you!

And no, there are really no prizes for these, it's really just for fun.

Some songs may be from the same movie, so don't think once I use one song, that movie is out the way!

1. Let's get down to business!
(That's all you need)

2. You think you own whatever land you land on. The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim. But I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name!

3. I've been staring at the edge of the water 'long as I can remember, never really knowing why. I wish I could be the perfect daughter, but I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try! Every turn I take, every trail I track, every path I make, every road leads back to the place I know, where I can not go, where I long to be!

4. Tale as old as time, true as it can be. Barely even friends, then somebody bends unexpectedly.

5. It means no worries for the rest of your days. It's our problem-free philosophy!

6. Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves
Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales. But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves you got a brand of magic never fails! You got some power in your corner now, some heavy ammunition in your camp. You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how! See all you gotta do is rub that lamp, and I'll say...

7. Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings the world for once in perfect harmony with all its living things

8. Guess who pulled up the sky when you were waddlin' yea-high? This guy! When the nights got cold, who stole you fire from down below? You're lookin' at him, yo! OH. Also I lassoed the sun - you're welcome! - to stretch your days and bring you fun. Also I harnessed the breeze - you're welcome! - to fill your sails and shake your trees!

9. That's right, to keep you safe and sound, dear. Guess, I always knew this day was coming, knew that soon you'd want to leave the nest soon, but not yet!

10. I never knew I lostcha till I foundchya. And I never guessed how close you were to me. And, now, I wanna throw my arms aroundcha, tell a thousand tales that will astoundcha. Everything about you tells me this was meant to be. Don't you see?

11. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried. Don't let them in, don't let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know... Well, now they know!

12. Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer, and I'll bet the ladies love a man in armor. You can guess what we have missed the most since we went off to war. What do we want? A girl worth fighting for!

13. Remember me, though I have to say goodbye. Remember me, don't let it make you cry. For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart...

14. The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake. You dream about going up there, but that is a big mistake! Just look at the world around you right here on the ocean floor. Such wonderful things surround you.
What more is you lookin' for?

15. I'm malicious, mean and scary. My sneer could curdle dairy, and violence-wise, my hands are not the cleanest, but despite my evil look and my temper, and my hook, I've always yearned to be a concert pianist. Can'tcha see me on the stage performin' Mozart? Ticklin' the ivories 'til they gleam? Yep, I'd rather be called deadly for my killer show-tune medley!

16. I've never met someone who thinks so much like me! Jinx! Jinx again!Our mental synchronization can have but one explanation...!

17. What color's the sky? ¡Ay mi amor, ay mi amor! You tell me that it's red! ¡Ay mi amor, ay mi amor!

18. Look at this stuff. Isn't it neat Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has ev'rything? Look at this trove, treasures untold. How many wonders can one cavern hold Lookin' around here you'd think, (Sure) she's got everything!

19. Look for the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities. Forget about your worries and your strife. I mean the bare necessities, Old Mother Nature's recipes that brings the bare necessities of life

20. Though, honey, it may seem impossible, that's the gospel truth! On Mt. Olympus life was neat and smooth as sweet vermouth. Though, honey, it may seem impossible, that's the gospel truth!

So guys, I've decided that instead of just throwing random games at you guys, I'm gonna let y'all choose which games you want!

By voting!

So I'm gonna give you a list of games that I've been thinking about (along with small descriptions), and you get to vote ONCE PER PERSON on which game you'd like to see next! I will do this each time a game is put up.

In the inline comment next to your choice, put a smiley face ":D"!!

• Old Time Trivia Pt. 2
Guessing the songs of the good 'ol times!

• 20 Questions
I will ask 20 questions and you guys will answer - you also get to ask me 20 questions in the comments!

• Truth, Truth, Lie
I will give three facts about myself, one being a lie, and you must guesd which is a lie. Then you guys will give three facts about yourselves and anyone can jump in and guess which is a lie.

•$#!ts & Giggles
Here, we'll be telling our favorite jokes and riddles! I'll give mine, and then you guys will share yours in the comments!

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