☉Host Post - Truth, Truth, Lie☉

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And the votes are in, my friends!

Truth, Truth, Lie has won!

So the directions to this game are very simple!

I will give three facts about myself, and you guys will have to guess which one is a lie. You get one try per section!

Yes, I am going to exploit myself multiple times just to make this game more fun because exploiting myself once isn't good enough 😂😂

Once my section is over, you will have your own section for your two truths and one lie! Then anyone can jump in and guess which is which!

Simple enough?

Okay, let's begin!


I owned 10 turtles all together in my life
• I once shaved off my eyebrows when I was younger
• I have broken my arm from falling down a flight of stairs


• I have never gotten a grade below C on my report cards
• I have a naturally flirtacious attitude (call me Blanche from Golden Girls...)
• I am the oldest child in my family


• I am obsessed with France
• I am polylingual
• I am Russian


• My favorite color is pink
• Most of my family tree technically doesn't exist
• When I was younger, I pronounced "Grahams" as "Gray hams."


• I have almost died four times in my life
• I have a birthmark the shape of a fleur-de-lis
• I am 19 years old


So I've decided to shake it up a bit!
Now this is two lies and one truth, and you must guess which one is the truth.

Hey - I'm giving y'all permission to make fun of me in the comments, why do you think I'm giving so much information?! 😂😂


• When I was younger, I had dreams at least once a week that had to do with peeing on everything I saw
• When I slept, I always woke up on the floor
• My bed was always the largest in my house


• When I was younger, my dog knocked out my tooth by jumping over my face while I was lying down
• I own 4 dogs, 2 being puppies.
•I used to live on a farm that wasn't exactly a farm, but was just a bit plot with a bunch of animals you'd usually see on a farm


• When alone at home, I like to scream out the lyrics to my favorite songs
• I once punched a hole in my wall because I was mad that my dog chewed up my best pair of ear buds
• I can cook almost any recipe you put in front of me


• My favorite jokes are the darkest ones that would put the Deep Web to shame
• I love cheesy jokes that use puns!
• I literally have no sense of humour


• I have cheated on one of my boyfriends before
• I have had 8 boyfriends so far
• I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chapstick (#SorryNotSorry)

And now it's y'alls turn!

So right her, give two truths and one lie, and anyone can guess! -->

And then right here, give two lies and one truth! -->

And here are the selections below for voting - again, I must recycle those from past votings because I do not have a lot of ideas. So if you have any ideas for games we could do, please pm me!

Word Scramble
I will scramble words and sentences, and you must guess what I'm saying

• $#!ts & Giggles
Sharing our favorite jokes and riddles

Pixel Pics
I will give you a situation/sentence, and you must draw it out the best you can using ONLY emojis, no words!!

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