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Youngin-si, South Korea
December 2nd, 1997

Sunlight pours into the bedroom through the open blinds causing the room to light up like the sun. A little boy with soft features opens his mono eyelids slowly from feeling the sun's hot beam burning the skin on his arm that is exposed to the area and not tucked in with his other limbs under the dark blue cover. He quickly shuts his dark brown eyes, curing the big ball of light for coming up so soon and almost making him blind. He huffs uncomfortably, before slowly sitting up and reopening his eyes to see a dark brown plain wall with a black bookshelf against it in front of him. He looks to the right to see a long lamp a few inches away from the bookshelf and an umber brown ottoman and lounge chair in the corner. He looks to the left to see two doors, one leading to the bathroom and the other to the closet.

He sighs, flipping his father's huge cover off his small body and to the empty side of the bed. The little boy sleepily scoots to the edge before flinging his legs and letting them dangle off the side of the comfortable queen-size bed. He looks to his left to see a light brown nightstand with a small desk lamp on top, a special picture of the small boy, his mother, and father, and finally his father's phone facing up beside the picture. I guess I came in here last night when I had that nightmare. The child thought while grabbing the phone too big for his small hands from the nightstand with two palms and turning it on to see it is 06:38.


The child jumps in surprise his head snapping to the door, a worried and scared expression plastered on his small face. What was that?

He lays the phone on the big bed beside him before hopping off and carefully walking over to a white wooden door next to the lounge chair. He reaches out his arm and takes hold of the doorknob and twists it. A small click sound was heard. He pulls the door open revealing a cream color hallway with framed pictures of random paintings or of the child and his father.

"Hyung." An all too familiar voice called out, surprise clear in their words.

The youngster turns his head to the end of the hallway that leads to the living room, dining room, and kitchen. His mind fills up with so many questions and worries as he slowly walks closer to the living room curious as to why his father is calling someone's name out like that. Hesitation grasps him as reaches the end of the hallway. He nervously brings his bottom lips into his mouth biting on it as he pokes his head out seeing his father in the center of the living room with men scattering all around him. The small boy furrows his eyebrows, but dark brown eyes stay glued to his father's figure until they catch the sight of the guns in the men's hands in his peripheral vision.

Panic piles onto the boy's emotions as he tears his eyes away from his father and eyes around the room where he catches sight of a man in front of his father sitting on the couch his left leg on his right lap, who looks no older than his late-twenties and what he could assume is Hyung.

The stranger's hair is a dark brown color that is short and is styled up to show his forehead. He wears a dark purple suit with black dress shoes.

"Appa?" The schoolboy whimpers out, already feeling tears glossing over his eyes.

The older male turns around, his face holding no emotions as he tries to hide his fear from his son. He smiles wearily at the child before facing back to the gentleman. "One minute."

The nice, dressed man sighs, but nods in agreement. The child's father turns back again. However, this time walks over with a forced bright smile trying to comfort his eleven-year-old son. The schoolboy looks up with tears freely shedding down his small face. "It's okay Jongsuk-ah. It's okay. Everything is going to be fine. Alright?"

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