One of Them

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As I go out through my days my purpose just becomes less and less clear. I probably had a dream of what I would want to do with my life before in the past, but now I'm clueless. An empty slate, a blank piece of paper that just exists for the sake of existing.

Just lost and forgotten among all the other empty slates and blank pieces of paper.

What am I thinking?

I violently shooked my head and flopped onto my bed. Each day just gets more boring and more tiring.

I guess this is what life feels like if you don't have a goal or feel like you have a purpose in life.

I sighed and lied in my bed staring blankly at the ceiling. Just like that one time, and like that one time it happened again.

"What were you going to say anyway?"

That voice...

I heard a voice again... like that other time, and it's Star again.

What were they talking about again?

"If you really think we're being restricted why not talk to the restrictor?"

The next voice I heard was Kuri. They're talking about being restricted and...

The restrictor?

As usual things don't make sense and I have no idea what's going on.

"Heh, Star's too arrogant to just talk to the restrictor. He'd just try to take control than cooperate" Ocean chuckled.

"Damn right, I don't need anyone telling me what to do or their help" Star growled.


That was almost violent, why did Star get so passionate all of a sudden? There's definitely more going on here and I know nothing about it.

"If that's the case... why don't you"

Ocean didn't chuckle this time, there was a serious tone in his voice. His sad voice with this serious tone almost seems like a cry for help.

"If you can really change this pathetic situation why don't you? It's not like any of us are enjoying where we are!"

There was a slight aggresion in Ocean's voice. Now he just sounds scared. The entire mood seemed to have changed, the atmosphere seems more tense.

What is going on?

"I'm only going to make an effort to take control if I see a need to, and when I do gain control I know that I won't have it for long. So sometimes I wait and voice my opinion, but my methods are... heh questionable" Star chuckled.

"That's why I'd rather not interact or trust anyone because they won't understand!"

Star chuckled but soon after his tone just changed to aggresive and serious, these sudden changes in tone and atmosphere is... weird... no...

This is freaky!

Both Ocean and Star seem to be struggling with something.

But what is it?

I don't know if it's two different things but from the way they're talking about it it almost seems like it's the same thing or related somehow. I don't know... I think I'm just confusing myself at this point.

"Heh heh, so that's how it is... I see" Ocean chuckled.

He's chuckling again... Okay what?!?

"C'mon you two, in order for this to be better we're going to have to work together as a team!" Spark exclaimed.

"Were you not listening to what I was saying?" Star questioned.

"I don't need you fools, all you're doing is constantly getting in my way. So stop with your unrealistic childish dreams!" Star scolded.

Star harshly rebuked Spark, Star almost seems harsher to Spark than to anyone else, but still it's too early for me to tell.

"It isn't unrealistic, just more so difficult." Kuri explained.

"Matter of fact Spark's childish dream may be exactly what we need to do to get out of this pathetic situation"

"But we are all broken pieces that don't fit together" Ocean commented.

Broken pieces that don't fit?

That doesn't make sense to me, don't all the pieces of something fit together?

"That's because we are missing a piece" Kuri said.

Missing a piece?

"Huh we are?" Ocean questioned.

"Do you mean who I think you mean?" Spark asked.

"The restrictor..." Star stated plainly.

The restrictor?

The restrictor is the missing piece, but who's the restrictor? Also if they have to work together to get out of this pathetic situation why would the restrictor restrict them? Is the restrictor somehow not in the same situation as them?

"That's right, CJay also known as the restrictor... he's the missing piece" Kuri concluded.

Who wait CJay?

I know that name... how could I not know that name... CJay is...

That's my name!

I suddenly opened my eyes and sat up in my bed.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself.

I'm the missing piece... but how... this doesn't make any sense!

Star, Ocean, Kuri and Spark... should I know these names? I'm apparently connected with them.


My head aches just like last time, trying to think right now isn't going to help me. I heard them again but now I have more questions instead of getting any answers.

Damn it what's going on?

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