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I was lying in my bed staring blankly at the ceiling.

What is this?

That's the question I have with nothing that seems like an answer.

"Pathetic" a voice said in my head and sighed.

The voice sounds disappointed, like watching someone play a game cluelessly even though he knows all the answers.

"Just idly lying here wasting time"

The voice continues to express its disappointment. How annoying it sounds, but I guess there's nothing wrong with voicing your opinion.

"Well when you're clueless what else is there to do?"

There the voice was again but... it's not the same voice. No this voice sounds... defeated, sad, weak and filled with despair. The other voice sounded cocky, arrogant and disappointed.

What does this mean?

I had questions, some of them I didn't even knew I questioned but still I had no answers.

"Tsk, Ocean that's quitter talk, just shows how pathetic all of this is"

The first voice I heard came back this time identifying the second voice I heard.

Ocean huh?

Oceans are deep, vast and wide. When you think about an ocean what would come to mind? This voice that sounds so sad... is there a meaning to its name?

"You say this Star but I don't see you doing anything" Ocean chuckled.


The more these voices speak the more questions I have. Ocean chuckling seems... fake?

Is that right?

Star is the name of the first voice. A star shines brightly in the sky and illuminates during the night...

But this guy?

I don't know enough to criticize but there's definitely a deeper meaning to these voices but what is it?

"I mean if you really think this is pathetic, why don't you do something to change that?" Ocean questioned.

"Even if I wanted to I can't, we are restricted after all... you should know this" Star sighed.

Restricted... by what?

They are restricted but what's restricting them? Nothing is making sense, I don't get it. It seems that Star has weaknesses just like Ocean but even so he still acts like he is better. If Ocean is aware of these restrictions why act like that changed, does he not want to acknowledge the situation he is in?

"That's not all necessarily true Star"

"Yeah he's right and you know it!"

Two other voices appeared suddenly. The first one that spoke sounded thoughtful and the second one sounded cheerful.

Are they all in the same situation?

If that's the case why are they all treating it differently?

How could I know that just by hearing their voices alone. I'm just assuming at this point, I'm probably just tired of not getting any answers.

Maybe that's because I didn't actually ask any of my questions?

"Spark you're too enthusiastic about this" Star sighed


Spark must have been the second of the two voices that I just heard. That was the only voice that sounded enthusiastic, and his voice actually matched his name. The joyful and cheerful sound of his voice is like a spark of positivity.

"Well it's better than bringing down the mood like you two, besides Kuri may have some great info!" Spark exclaimed

"Kuri is the guy with the wisdom, might as well hear him out" Ocean chuckled


That must be the other voice I heard. His name isn't like the others, he's different from them.

Kuri... what does it mean?

His voice is the only voice that doesn't really have an emotion... a feeling I guess? Star sounds prideful, Ocean sounds sad and Spark sounds happy but Kuri just seems to be lost in his thoughts.

That reminds me... I was just lying around doing nothing then I suddenly heard these voices... is this all in my head?

I opened my eyes and suddenly sat up in my bed. My head ached and I looked around my room in confusion.

When did I close my eyes?

Did I fall asleep?

I sat there trying to think, but my head was hurting too badly for me to think straight. That's when I realised...

Where did those voices go?

They disappeared as suddenly as they appeared and things just continued to not make sense. I lied in my bed and closed my eyes hoping to hear the voices again.

What were they talking about?

What was Kuri about to say?

Where did they come from?

Why could I hear them?

I lied there but nothing... nothing at all. I sat up and sighed.

What is this?

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