Some Insight Part 3

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"Originally it was just the three of us" Spark said.

First three of you have the same origin and now it was just the three of you?

"It was me, CJay and Star" Spark continued.

Wait what me!?!

Okay, this is the time I actually ask a question instead of keeping things to myself. I'm way too confuse to just keep these questions to myself.

"Wait what are you talking about?" I questioned.

"We talked together, like we are doing right now" Spark explained.

"That's the form of entertainment I meant" Kuri said.

"You're a lonely child so you decided to talk to yourself, that was entertaining for you" Star said.

"Wait so I'm talking to myself right now?"

I was puzzled, confused and I had no idea what to make of it.

"For now pretend that you aren't. Well... that's no problem since that's how it feels for you already" Kuri shrugged.

"Wh-wh-wh...huh?" I stuttered.

"Anyway..." Spark laughed nervously.

"It was Spark, me and you, then not too long afterwards Kuri joined us" Spark finished.

"And that's how it's been up until now" Kuri added.

I tried to calm myself and to focus on the situation at hand. As hard as it is to ignore that I'm talking to myself but somehow unaware that I'm doing that.

Ohhhh soooo confussssed

"S-so Kuri... what about you what's your story?" I asked.

All eyes were on Kuri who was standing in the middle of the white room. He stood there with his arms folded and his eyes were closed.

"K-Kuri..?" I called.

"I don't have a backstory per se" He began.

"What's important is that I'm the brotherly figure for smol_bean_sue" Kuri said.

"Huh?" I questioned.

"She gave me my name and you kept it so you could remember the bond between you two" Kuri continued.

"My name comes from the word Kuriētibu which is japanese for creative. That being said I'm your creative side, the responsible one and I'm level-headed, I am not a know it all" Kuri explained.

"I'm emotional... I'm sensitive... and I'm the carer" Kuri sighed.

"Kuri..." I said with slight concern.

He seems the most human with his description of himself...

Atleast that's how I felt. They all have their pros and cons, but still I don't understand them that well.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Oh well um, what about your outfit, well your design?" I asked.

"That's simple" Kuri smiled.

There's that smile again, that smile makes me forget all of my worries for a moment.

That must be his brotherly figure ability or something...

"The tie and the fedora just shows maturity, grown men would wear ties to businesses and what not" Kuri explained.

"The black and white represents good and evil, positive emotions and negative emotions"

It sounds simple but it's probably alot more complicated than it seems. So far since I started hearing these voices nothing has been simple, everything seems to have a deeper meaning.

Either that or I'm overthinking things.

"In other words you can think of me like the line between your negative and positive side" Kuri said.

"So back then Spark was the positive side, Star was negative side and you were like the order?" I questioned.

"I wouldn't say the order just a combination of both, Star and Spark countered each other completly so it wasn't out of order" Kuri answered.

"What did we talk about back then?" I asked.

"Life" Kuri stated.

That's a really broad subject.

"Also story ideas sometimes" Spark chimed in.

So I conversed with myself about life just for entertainment?

"As time progress things will more likely get clearer" Kuri assured.

"Now can we get some answers out of CJay...?" Star asked.

Huh answers from me? But I'm the one who is confuse!

"Heh heh not so fast Star..." Ocean chuckled.

Ocean was sitting silently this entire time. I wasn't pay much attention to him so I had no idea what he was doing, but right now he was rubbing his chin with his bandaged right hand, he licked his lips and had a smirk on his face.

"I still have yet to tell my story..." Ocean grinned.

Then all of a sudden...

"Hehehe... Hahahahahahahahahahaa" Ocean bursted out in hysterical laughter.

Ocean began to laugh, it was weird, freaky and kind of scary. It came out of nowhere and it sent a chill down my spine.


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