So Far So Good

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The next day you arrive home and Loki is sprawled on the couch watching the television.

"Ah human, I have learned how to use the entertainment box! There is a lot to watch on this contraption."

"Well have fun with that then." You say going into your room and locking the door. Loki looks over at the door confused but goes back to watching TV this time sitting up. After changing into some jeans and a t-shirt you walk out of your room. You walk towards the god who's in a trance like state. You get onto your knees in front of him so that he can comfortably watch TV. Why doesn't he wear A SHIRT?? I mean I guess it makes checking his wound easier. You begin to unwrap his bandage and examine the healing progress of the wound. Loki manages to rip his eyes from the television and look down at you as you concentrated on his stab wound. You wrapped him up again and moved down to his leg. Lifting up his pants carefully you begin to unwrap the wound and examine it as well.

"So far so good." You say to yourself. Looking up you met eyes with Loki. Your breath was caught in your throat. His stare wasn't something you could read and it frustrated you even more that you couldn't read his mind.

"I will be back in an hour or two." You tell him as you stand.

"And where will you be going at this hour?"

"Uhhh I don't need to explain anything to you your highness, now just don't burn the place down." You say as you grab your bag heading for the door.

"Don't tell me what to-" And with that the door closed shut before he could finish his sentence.

You went to Strange's place in order to practice. As you're entering his house you sigh and sit in his couch.

"What's wrong?" his voice appears. You look at the staircase to see Strange walking towards you.

"I'm just annoyed! Loki can be such a child and Vision is acting like such a DAD."

"You know Vision has that protective instinct over you as much as you do, plus... what did you expect from Loki?"

"I... don't know."

"You know what? I know what'll cheer you up."

The next thing you know you're in a nightclub with music blasting through the speakers causing the floor to shake.

"This is what you meant by cheering me up?"

"Yes, we're not here to dance although, I heard this place makes the best signature drinks and I know you're sort of a alcoholic-" You giggle and slap his arm.

"Hey!" You respond and he smiles at you. Strange begins to order some drink with a weird ass name and he then gives it to you.

"Let me know what you think." You look at the blue liquid and begin to drink it in full and you look at Strange.

"Not bad... I can taste more of the alcohol than the sugar and that's how I like it."

"Alright then let's have the master taste others shall we?"

A few drinks down you're on the dance floor with Strange. The fact that he's on the dance floor shows how drunk he is. Both your bodies are close together and you're both laughing at each other. His hair is not it's usual tamed self, it's more curved towards his face now and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbow  Your t shirt is slightly untucked and your hair is sticking to your neck from the sweating. You and Strange spent the rest of the night like that. Even on your way home the both of you were laughing. He was too drunk to use his magic, it might've sent you somewhere you didn't want to be so he just walked you home. You open the door to your apartment and almost trip walking inside and Loki, who had been waiting your arrival, grabs you before you fall. You don't even try to get up you just laugh into Loki's shoulder.

"To my bed slave!" you command and Loki looks at you then at Strange.

"What have you done to this woman?" he asks him and Strange, bothered by the shirtless man holding you, tries to pull you away but Loki just pulls you towards him and you wrap your arms around Loki's neck and your legs around his waist.

"I'll take it from here." Loki says closing the door in Strange's face smirking before the door closed. 

Loki turns and takes you to the bed. He slightly throws you onto the bed, dusting himself off after. Your eyes are closed but Loki notices something, you're crying. You begin to sob and Loki freezes at the sight. What the hell is going on? Loki walks to you and begins to slightly shake you to wake you. Then your hand made it's way to grab Loki's hand, the icy feel of his hand against yours comforted you in some way and your crying stopped. 

"Let go human." Loki says pulling away but you grab tighter.

"Please." You whisper to him. Loki lowered himself to kneeling on the floor next to the bed. He looks at your face examining it to check if you're still crying. Your eyes softly open and your gaze met his. Your eyes were red and tears fell down your cheeks slightly. Loki had an odd urge to wipe your tears but he just let them fall. You then pulled his arm closer and hugged it. Loki uncomfortable, climbed over your body slightly tugging his arm away and the moment he managed to lay down you turned around and moved closer to his chest with his arm still against your chest.

Loki looks down at you, his body tense at how close you are to him. If I don't do this she'll just cry all night. I just want silence... 


Hey I hope this chapter was enjoyable!

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