What Happened

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Your mind went back to the year 1995. Dark rooms, white doctor robes, lots of screaming and crying. Every time you would hear a door unlock the sound following it was horrific. People begging and begging for their lives. All but one door... The Maximoffs. The twins were always ready for any new experiment, ready for death. You on the other hand feared death the most.

Your roommate, Bucky was the strongest person in this place in your opinion. He has endured many experiments and hasn't died yet. He is your voice of reason, the only sane thing in your life right now. Every night the both of you would speak about the life you had outside the walls. His blue eyes would twinkle as he spoke about his dream to reunite with his parents and his best friend someday. Your dream was just to leave and you'll figure out the rest later, but the more he spoke about his dream the more you wanted it. You never even met your parents but it would be nice to have some right?

On nights that they would experiment on you Bucky would stay awake all night waiting for you to come back and when they would shove your lifeless, weakened body back into the room Bucky would tend to you. He would make sure your wounds were clean. He would also hold your hand throughout the night as you slept. You did the same for him.

On cold nights the both of you would cling to each other for warmth. People would even die from the cold in that place. It was a quick way to get rid of the weak, as they would put it.

The experiments were harsh, they would electrocute, test different chemicals on your body. When you would fight it they would slash you until you stopped moving.

One night as the both of you were laying down giggling together a loud clicking sound echoed through the room.

"202, you are needed." Your eyes went wide as you shifted to the corner of the room quickly. Tears falling down your face immediately.

"Please no please no." You still had fresh wounds from last night, "It hurts... please, tomorrow instead."

"No. NOW." The man walks over and as he's about to grab you Bucky grabs his coat.

"Take me instead! You already experimented on her last night! She's all worn out, it most likely won't work." The man hesitated and in a moment left, dragging Bucky by his collar. You began to scream out louder than you've ever screamed for yourself. You banged on the walls until your hands were bloodied. You were like this for hours until you were lifeless on the group waiting for the click of the door, hoping to see his face...

Sooner or later you did hear the click and following that click your body was dragged by the collar of your uniform. You had no energy left to scream, or kick. As you were being dragged a gurney had passed by you and you just hoped that wasn't Kaleb, you hoped you would see him in any of the experiment rooms, alive.

They strapped you onto a seat.

"I told you to grab this girl and instead you brought that weak boy! He lasted two minutes." One of the men said and your heart completely snapped.

"Bucky is dead?" you asked and the men didn't respond to you. It was as if they didn't hear you. You didn't care now, you wanted this death. He was the only light and they stripped that away from you.

A long stick with a sharp edge was on a table at the end of the room. There was a gem that glowed a pure blue. The men also held a syringe with the same blue color liquid in it. You closed your eyes as they neared you with the syringe in hand and suddenly the syringe was stabbed into your chest and you yelped out in pain your eyes opening. You saw as the blue liquid entered your body and you fell faint.

The next day you woke up in a white room. You looked around and saw nothing.

"Hello 202, how are you feeling?" a voice said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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