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They started firing quickly at you, only three more bullets got to you. You were able to put up a shield. Your leg had been shot along with your side and shoulder. You have to get to Loki. Your shield was becoming weak and someone came up from behind you. You shoved them away with your power surge but you hadn't noticed the man next to you.

"Hello 202," he says.

Back at home Loki is regretting everything he said. I shouldn't have been so harsh. I do care about her... I just don't know if I should. As he thinks this he heard the front door unlock. He went up to the door.

"I'm so glad you came back I just wanted to say-" As Loki was speaking you dropped to the ground right in front of him.

"Loki... Help." You gasp out and everything in Loki's body turned cold. His heart raced faster than it ever has before as he quickly went to your aid. He turned your body around to reveal the wounds. You were bleeding out.

"Y/n stay with me, hey look at me," he says softly and you look at his face. Full of worry and fear.

"Loki they're coming." Loki quickly picks you up and takes you to the bedroom.

"Wait for me," he says as he kisses your hand. He runs out of the room.

"Wait, Loki," you call out and suddenly you hear a lot of slamming and groaning coming from the living room. His powers, he needs his abilities. Suddenly the room goes quiet as Loki runs into the room now fully clothed in Asguardian clothes. He broke the spell. He runs up to you and picks you up. You cry out at the pain. Loki looks down at you with tears in his eyes.

"I'll take you to safety don't worry." You notice a man with a gun pointed at Loki and quickly you sent out a power surge from your hands knocking the man out. Loki shocked at the new discovery looks at you in disbelief.

"We'll talk about that later." Loki says and as he's running out Strange appears.

"What is happening?" Strange asks in horror at the sight of you bloodied body.

"HYDRA found me." You tell him and with a movement of his hand we were at his place.

"Place her on the counter quickly." Strange commands to Loki and Loki obeys shoving everything off and placing you gently.

"You'll be all right okay?" Loki says, his voice shaking a bit as he looks you up and down.

"Loki, I-" before you were able to finish you had drifted away. Loki's screams sounded distant until they completely just went mute.

You woke up in the same white room except this time it wasn't just Steve in the room. It was mostly... everyone.

"She's awake," Natasha says smiling. You heard a bunch of "hey"s and "how are you feeling"s

"I'm tired." You respond and they laugh.

"Well you've been asleep for quite a couple days now." Steve says. You look around the room... Natasha, Clint, Vision, Wanda, Steve...

"Where's Loki? Where's Bucky?" You ask and they all look at you with apologetic looks.

"HYDRA had a chip in Bucky and that's how they found you, they took him." Steve explains

"And as for your god he has been taken into confinement, SHIELDS orders." Vision says. Bucky kidnapped and Loki in prison? I'd rather go back to sleep.

Thor then walks into the room and clears his throat.

"May I have a moment?" he asks and everyone just walks out one after the other all giving you a sympathetic look before exiting. Thor sighs and sits in the seat Cap was just in.

"How powerful are you, y/n?" he asks and you look at him confused.

"I spoke to my brother and it was as if I was speaking to a different person, a better person."

"He's always been good he was just lost."

"I know that." Thor responds and you smile.

"Why didn't you tell me you had my brother?" he asks and you chuckle.

"Loki isn't the biggest fan of yours, I didn't wish to upset him with your presence."

"I wouldn't have gone."

"Yes you would've."

He laughs and puts his hands up in surrender, "you're right."

"I wanted to thank you with all my heart for taking care of my brother." he tells you and you smile.

"It was my pleasure."

Thor then stands and walks out of the room only to bring in a wheelchair.

"Come, someone wishes to see you." Thor says with a smile. He helps you onto the wheelchair and begins to push you to the common room.

"Brother you have company." he says interrupting Loki as he was about to have a spat with Stark. Loki's eyes softened immediately and he rushes over to you. He gets on one knee in front of you with a large smile on his face.

"Y/n, how are you feeling?" he asks, your name sounded like a song coming from his lips.

"I'm feeling better now." You say reaching out for his hand.

"Uhh Thor I have bad news for you but your brother has some sort of two personalities thing going on." Stark tells Thor in amazement by his quick change of attitude. The whole time he's been there he's been very moody and snappy towards everyone but the moment you wheeled in he melted.

"I thought they had you in confinement?" you ask and his face drops.

"They do." He says and Stark begins.

"You see that bracelet he got on his arms? Yep he tries to leave this place ZAP, over 100 bolts of electricity sent through his body."

"How did SHIELD agree to this?" You ask and Strange chimes in.

"I put in a good word." He says followed by a wink."Although I can't stand the sight of him I am in debt to him." Stephen says and Loki rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, you should be in bed, not up and about." Loki says standing, he shoos Thor from behind you and takes hold of the wheelchair. He takes you back to the white room and as you pass by Steve you quickly grab onto his arm.

"Find him please." You tell him and he nods.

"I'll bring him back." Steve reassures you and Loki starts to push you again and he makes a turn into the white room. You attempt to stand but Loki quickly lifts you. You look up at him as he lays you on the bed softly.

"So, you aren't a regular human are you?" He asks and you smile sheepishly at him. You were hoping he wouldn't bring that up now.

"You really want to know what happened?" You asked and he pulls up a seat.

"Of course I do."

"Alright then."


Hey guys im glad youre enjoying this story as much as I am enjoying writing it!
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