1st of July Chapter 1

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POV: Lucy

I hear the birds chirping, and the sun is coming through my window. I rub my eyes to try and wake up. "Good morning world!" I feel like this is going to be a great month. I get up and grab an apple. I then summon plue , he is my celestial pet.  We eat, while I look at my book. Writers block. I can't find anything I want to write about.  " Any ideas today plue?"
"Ahana ah ha" He states
"Yeah that's what I was afraid of..... I guess I should get ready to go to the guild, Erza has a plan for a big party and I was asked to help." I de-summon plue for now, and I head to the shower. I let the hot water pore down my body, when I hear a noise.
"Luce.... ya home?"
Great Natsu is here, and I'm not even done yet.
"She isn't in her bed Natsu, you think she might of left already?" Asked Happy
"No," said Natsu, "I can still smell her, she is here."
That stupid noise of his! "I'll be right out, just taking a quick shower ok!" Hopefully they don't get into trouble out there.
"Ok, we will be out here waiting, unless you need help in there." He said with a grin.
What did he say!? I feel my face getting red. "Don't you dare come in here you pervert!"

POV: Natsu

"Relax I was joking." Although, no she is your best friend, don't think that way. I walk over to her desk, I see she still has writers block. "Happy, we should so read what she has started."
"Aye Sir!"
I reach down and saw a small book under all the paper. Not think much of it I jokingly say,  "I found her dairy, Happy!"
"You said that last time Natsu." Happy says with an eye roll.
"Oh yeah! But what if this is actually it Happy!"
"You just want to know if she loves you or not!"
"Shut it Happy! And I want to see what kind of gossip she might have in here." I open to a random page and read what I saw. "Today I saw Gray blush when someone said Juvia's name!" My eyes went big, "Gray likes Juvia!" I start to smell something, when it hits me, " oh shi-!"
"LUCY KICK!" She shouts are her foot made contact to my head. "How you find my diary!"
"Relax Luce, we weren't going to tell everyone at the guild who you like!" I haven't even gotten to that part yet in here!
Her face is getting red, "Don't make me give ya another Lucy Kick!" She grabs her dairy from my hands.
"Ok, are you ready to go to the guild!?"
"As long as it means getting you out of my stuff, then yes I'm ready!"

At the guild:

Erza on a latter, "Natsu, Happy, and Lucy. I see you got here in time, which color streamer do you think will look to best for the party?"
"I'M ALL FIRED UP NOW! Red is the one you should use!"
Happy looks over to me, "What about blue?"
"Erza, I thought we where decorating on the 3rd?" Asked Lucy
"So wait, I  thought the party was today?" I stated.
Happy right with me on this one. " Aye Sir!" He states
"Natsu it's a 4th of July party. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK ITS HAPPENING ON ANY OTHER DAY BUT THE 4th  OF JULY!" Lucy shouts at me. Still she looks cute when she gets mad... What! Why am I thinking that!
"Ok, now that that is settled, Lucy I'm setting up today so that I know I will like it on the third." Erza said in her claim tone. "Now I need you two to go to all the local store and put in the orders for this party. Think you can do that for me?" She said looking right at me.
"Erza have we ever let you down!" Now that I think of it, maybe a few times. Oh well, before she can answer I take Lucy hand and we run outside. Her hand was so soft, I turn to look back at her. 😳 Her boobs were bouncing! I turn away fast, my face turning red. I hope she didn't see it. Why am I keep thinking these thing. Anyway we are on our way to the cheese-man, Erza thinks we need a lot of cheese.


Why did Natsu look at me real quick. Was his face turning red too. He is cute when he turns all red.... What! Why that thought again. He is your friend. He doesn't like you that way. I then hear him ask a question.
"Hey Luce what does the list say we need?"
"Umm. We need.. 😳 35 DIFFERENCES TYPES OF CHEESE! Erza has lost her mind." We finally got to the cheese-man, I don't think he is ready for the order, at least he has some time to get it ready.

3 hours later:

There was sooo many shops to stop at to day my feet hurt. Natsu and I sit down at the bar. Where Mira was. She was serving everyone as usual. Then Laxus came in. All seem normal, he walked up to to Mira. He just looks at her. Then walks away. He left the building. "What was that for?" Mira didn't seem to hear me. But Natsu has a to pipe up.
"Maybe he just board. I can go fight him if ya want?"
"Why would I want you to fight him" Natsu seem lost on that one. He is so dense some days. I order my strawberry milkshake, and Natsu orders his food. Then in 5mins or so, Mira told Master Makarov that she had to leave for a few hours. Then she was gone. Strange. So Kinana took over for the day. Just when I thought this day of fun was nearing an end, Cana came on over. "Hey Cana, what you up to?"
Her face said it all. She had something in mind.  She now behind me. Oh boy, what's she up to. All of a sudden she comes up from behind and grabs my boobs. She then states to Natsu, " So I heard you have felt these things before. You must love to squeeze them!" My face is so red now.

POV: Natsu

I can't believe what Cana is doing right. I can feel my face started to be red.  All I can manage to say was, "uhhh." Shit.  At the point Lucy slapped me.
"Why are you even looking!" She shouts. Cana then walks away. Now I really want to squeeze them again. All the other times were by accident, I want to do it on purpose. No! She your friend, stop that. I know I have feelings for her, but I can't show them. I don't want to ruin your friendship. Tomorrow I'm supposed to be helping Lucy clean the whole guild. Even the bathrooms. Then she wants to go shopping with the girls to get a new outfit for this party. I'm not invited, but I might just follow.

10mins later:

Now me and Lucy are walking back to her place. The moonlight is right on her. She is looking so beautiful... I'm doing it again. "Hey Luce."
"What's up?" She asks back
"Do you think the party will turn out like all the other party's our guild has? You know, drunk and everything broken."
"Actually, I feel something big is going to happen. Like a new chapter to our lives. I also feel like if anyone try to ruin Erza party she will kill them." Lucy said with a small smile.
"Here ya are Luce, I better get home to Happy." I said while putting my hand on the back of my neck. "Good night" I say as we go our separate ways.

This is my first story. And the next chapter is kinda lemon, so if you don't want to read that skip half way through, you have been warned.

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