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Hi everyone! This was my first story here on Wattpad. I am beyond surprised to how many people like this story. I did mention a few chapters back I wanted to do a part two. So if this part gets 300 views, and 10 stars, I'll write the part two as its own story. Also comment what you think it should be called. Should I keep it as Steam part 2 or something else? Also check out my other stories for more Nalu and the gang. 🙃 Also the first 10 people to read and comment on my story Savior (Nalu) will get a shoutout, and maybe a spot in the story! 😏

Update: You did awesome! I'm beyond happy with the results. I have published the first chapter of the part 2. I called it Steam: The Risks of Falling In Love It picks up right where this one ends, and it will deal with many different things. From Natsu and Lucy struggle to start a family to what a half- dragon slayer mating season looks like. 😉


After yesterday leg pain, I told Natsu we can not fuck like that ever again. We will see how long that lasts. Everything between Natsu and I seem normal again. Well we kiss now, and hold hands. Being a couple is strange though, and I'm happy that it happened. Today we make our way to the guild, after everything that happened the last time we where here, I am unsure about showing my face. I want to see Levy and touch base on everything. Natsu and I walk into the guild, and he immediately left me to find Happy. I see Levy was reading a book at the bar, so I make my way over.
"Lu-Chan!" Levy gives me a hug.
I smile at her. "Please tell me the last few days have been just as weird for you as they where for me."
"Oh I thought Gajeel wasn't going to let me leave. It took forever to convince him to stop."
"Same. Although you wouldn't believe me if I told you the whole time Natsu and I were going at, we were on fire."
"No!" She was shocked.
I nod my head. "Yeah! It was so weird."
Mira looks over at us, then walks over. "You where on fire?"
"Yeah!" I was kinda glad no one else was around us at the time. This is definitely personal stuff.
Levy looks at Mira then tilts her head. "Hey Mira?"
"Yes?" Mira looks confused.
"Why do you still have your mark?" Levy points at her neck.
"Isn't today the last day?" Her eyes seem to be getting bigger.
"No, it ended a few days ago." I pipe up.
She drops her hands to the bar. Staring at us. She then runs over to the mirror. "FUCK!"
This was very unlike Mira. "What's wrong..."
Before I could finish she ran out of the guild. Levy and I chase after her. "MIRA!"
She didn't look at us, she just kept running. It was hard to keep up with her, but she ran all the way to Porlyusica house in the woods. She knocked on the door. Levy and I stay a few feet away.
The door swings open, and there stands Porlyusica. "What."
"I'm sorry mama can you see me real quick." Mira asked.
"Fine, come in." They both went inside.
Levy turns to me. "What do you think is going on?"
"I'm not sure, but Mira seems shocked."
"All we can do is wait until she exits." Levy points out.

30 minuets later

Finally the door opens and Mira walks out. She is stiff, eyes are glazed. She walks over to us. And gives us a hug. We look back at her to see she has tears in her eyes. "What's wrong?"
She wipes away a tear. "I'm pregnant."
Levy and I both are shocked. "Oh my Mavis! Congrats!"
"Your going to be a mom!" Levy Shouts.
"I I don't know what to think." She stutters.
"Well haven't you always wanted to be a mother?"
"Yeah. I just never thought I would get to be one." Mira smiles.
"Come on, let's get back to the guild. We can plan how you are going to tell Laxus." Levy suggests
"Yeah! Let's go." Mira leads the way.
One we get to the guild, everyone is looking at Mira. I mean she did just drop everything and run. She takes a deep breath, then asks if anyone has seen Laxus. Someone said he was out on a job. She looks sad now. "Hey this gives you time to plan out what you will say." I point out.
"I'm just so nervous and scared. What if he doesn't want the kid?" Her eyes where big.
"Mira, he is a dragon slayer, he wants the kid." Levy points out.
"Your right." She walks behind the bar. "I have the information on his job. I could call the towns Laxrama."
"No, he shouldn't be gone long. You can wait."
"I don't know." She leans in and whisper. "Should I tell master?"
"Not until Laxus knows!"
"Your right." Mira smiles
"You could bake him a cake?" Erza then runs over.
"Who's making a cake and why?" She asked.
We look at Mira, who shakes her head yes.
"You can't tell anyone." Levy said first
"Tell them what?" Erza questions
"I'm pregnant." Mira smile
Erzas eyes go big. "Congrats! Wait who is the father?"
"Laxus." Mira swirls some hair in her fingers.
"I'm so happy for you. But on the matter of cake?" Erza asks
"She is trying to find a way to tell Laxus." Levy states
"Oh. What about a gift with a onesie in it?" Erza suggests.
"Oh that would be so cute!" I squeal

POV: Natsu

I was talk with Happy and the guys, when I hear a few words of what the girls are saying. Lucy just squealed that a Onesie would be cute. Those are for babies. Why would she be talking about those... "Fuck." My eyes go big. The guys turn and look at me.
"What's wrong with you flame brain?" Gray asked.
"I I think Lucy is pregnant." I stuttered out.
"Really? Way to go man." Gajeel pats my back.
"You must have some strong little swimmers." Gray states
"Thanks. I just don't know if I'm ready for a kid."
"Listen. You need to go out on a job and start earning money for the baby. Lucy won't be able to go on any mores jobs for awhile." Said Gray
"Oh my Mavis Your right. I have to get things set up. I need a baby room, Hell I have to move in Lucy still!"

POV: Lucy

So the plan is to find a onesie that has a lighting bolt on it. Mira's shift ends soon, so we are all going out to look. Erza knows of a cute little shop not far from the guild. Bisca had showed it to her a few months back.
"So master has this old picture of Laxus on his desk. He has a red shirt with a lighting bolt on it. If we can find a onesie like that. I think it will be so cute." Mira puts her hands together, smiling.
"That's a way better idea." Levy states

(Tiny Laxus!)

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(Tiny Laxus!)

We found the shop, and looked around for hours. We thought all hope was lost until Levy shouts.
"I found one!"
We all head over to see. "It's perfect!" Mira holds it close to her.
"Why does this make me so happy." I lean over and give Mira a hug. "I might cry."
"Well it's a piece of the puzzle falling into place. I can't help but smile." Levy states.
"Oh your are going to have the cutest baby."
"Let's hope they don't cause trouble likes their parents use too." Erza smirks.

" Erza smirks

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"A Laxus Jr. how cute." Levy states
"Then He shocks you with lighting and it's not so cute."
"I think my baby will be perfect!" Just then Mira sneeze, and lighting flew out and shocked us.
"Oh the power of the mark." I said as I fell to the ground.
"Sorry." Mira giggles.

So Mira is pregnant, and Natsu miss understood, and now thinks it Lucy that is Pregnant. Oh so many ways this could go. This is the bonus story, so let's make it possible to have the next story! I believe in you all! Bye-bye!

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