3rd of July Chapter 3

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I wake up, and is happy to see I don't have a guest this morning. I haven't picked the right outfit yet. I don't know if I will. I make myself some oatmeal, and go over to my desk. I forgot to put my wet dream from yesterday in it. I'm happy that I didn't have another. I then go to take a shower. The hot water was so good. I start to think of my dream again. Would I push Natsu away if he came in and tried that. If it feels as good as my dream did, I might have to let him finish.... What am I thinking! My face was red. I grab the strawberry and vanilla body wash, and start to coat myself in it. I then wash my hair. This time in the warmth is just what I needed. I turn off the water and start to dry off.  I forgot to get my clothes before coming in here. So I wrap the towel around me, and exit the bathroom. I start to search through my dresser.


Oh no, she doesn't know I'm here. My face is going red. If she bends down any more, I'll have a full view. I should look away, or tell her to cover. Oh boy I'm going to get turned on. I have to stop it.  My nose is bleeding now. Look away and say something. "Llluccy..."
"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" She yells before she shouts, "LUCY KICK!"
Her foot hits my head, and all I think about was how I have some great timing don't I. I always find her in spots like this. "I wasn't trying to look!" She runs off to her bathroom, god she looks good in a towel. Stop thinking that way!

At the Guild:

"Ok Erza what's today's mission." I said with a not so happy tone.
"Where is Jellal? I think that was on your list. Was it not." She said with darkness around her
"Oh him, he is at the hotel. Checked him in at 3this morning."
"Wait, you found him? Asked Lucy
"Yeah, wasn't as hard as everyone thought."
Erza looks at us. "Ok so you need to get all the food you ordered the other day. And put it in the walk in freezer. Then you can join me on the decorating. Sounds fair."
"Well..." her look seem like she would kill me if I said more. "Let's go Luce!"

In Town:

As  we make our way to the store, we see Wendy talking with Romeo.
"I think Wendy likes him you know." Said Lucy
"What! Our little Wendy has a crush!" I head straight over there.
"Natsu, don't do anything. Leave them alone." Lucy cried.
To late. "Romeo!" I shout
"Yeah Natsu, what's up?"
"Stop looking at Wendy like she is a toy to play with, ya hear!" Wendy's face is so red, I think she can breathe fire. Romeo looks like a tomato.
"Why would you say such a thing Natsu!" Wendy screams before running off.
"What's her problem, I was only joking with ya."
Romeo looks at Natsu, "You really know how to make things weird don't yeah. Now I have to find Wendy and make her feel better!"
"Well, you need to know, she still young, and she a dragon slayer. She won't be able to tell you this until your older, but us dragons have a whole week. Where we show love to one person. If she wants that person to be you, you need to know that you have to commit to being her friend. Can you handle that Romeo?" His face is still red.
"Natsu, have you had that week yet?"
"No it happens in the fall. It's coming up." Oh no, is Lucy going to ask me questions now. My face turn red. I haven't really thought about it, not until right now. Have I even picked who my mate is....
"Natsu lets go." Said Lucy
"Yeah, ok."

4 hours later:

We final got everything done. Now I can hang out a little. I see Gray over there. "Hey Ice girl! What ya doing!"
Gray looks over, " Nothing really flame brain!"
"You ready for this party! I heard over half the town is coming! Even people form other guilds might me here." I see Gray look around before he speaks.
"As long as Lyon stays away there will be no issues."
"Hey, I forgot to ask ya sooner. What's the deal with you and Juvia?" Grays face is blushing. So it's true.
"Nothing flame brain, it's nothing!" Gray yells before walking away.

POV: Lucy

I found Levy, she was with Gajeel. "Hey Levy, when to go look for that book?"
"What book?" Asked Gajeel "Don't you have enough of them?"
"You can never have to many books Gajeel. If your ready to go look we can." Levy states
"Cool. Let's go then." We make our way down to the library. Just to find it's the one room we didn't clean. "No wonder Mira couldn't find it, nothing in its home!"
"Great, we have our work cut out for us." Levy states
We where finding everything but what we need. We were also trying the clean as we go. One book made me think of Juvia. It was called the demon slayers horny hours. I didn't look to much at it, but I think she should check it out. There was a book on spell removals. Looked like just the basics though. I was starting to think that this book didn't even exist. We where down there looking for a long time. Then someone showed up. I was shocked. "Hey Warren. What are you up too?"
"Hey, I found this book outside, under a bush. I think someone left it there, and or hid it there fast because they didn't want to be seen with it." He states
We both look at him. Then his mind starts to go off.
Oh man they look so sexy. Looking through books. I wish one would look through me like they do with their books. And their body's are just so fine. I can do so many things to them...
"Warren your telling everyone this!" We shout together. His falls to the ground, his face was so red. I think it killed him. We go over the the book he found. It was called Matting Season. "I think this might be it."
"You think it is, should be go back to your place to read it?" She asks me
"Yeah, we can take notes, and even share with Mira if we got anything good." Cool. Finally this thing with start to make since.

My place:

I get some tea going on the stove. We them sit on my bed and start to read the book together.

Depending on the type of dragon slayer you have flip to these pages

We go to the Natural dragon slayer page.

These dragon slayer have the worst time out of all the other dragon slayers. For they don't like to prepare. They are also the most horny dragon slayers. They get soft, and want there mate to be near. They can get very emotional in this time too. This week will be the longest for the mate not the dragon slayers. For 2 days the are sensitive. Then they turn mean for one day. Then the last days they are even more horny. Everything sets them off. If by the last day if they don't mate they will suffer and die. Dying will turn them to dust. Everyday they are away from there mate, they hurt. The longer it is, the more pain they feel. If at any point the mate doesn't show love or refuses their love, the dragon slayer will try to kill them self's. The true goal of matting season is to mate for life, and to start a family. If no child is conceived, they must try at least once a week. Until death.

I hear the tea is done, so I run on over to it. Levy walks out to the kitchen.
"Lu, do you think Gajeel picked me to be his mate?" Levy said kinda sad
"If he doesn't, it's his loss. If you want, you could be my bestie forever." We laugh, it's strange, to think that this matting season is a thing and we have never heard of it. The party starts tomorrow night. But Erza wants us there to set up the food and stuff early. Everything is done otherwise. There still one last chapter, but it's late. So we call it a night, in hopes we will get to it tomorrow.

Warning. Will show what happens to everyone at the party. Some parts will be kinda lemon
You have been warned.

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