Waterfall Chapter 7

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POV: Levy

Lucy and Natus. I guess he does like her. Why hasn't Gajeel done that to me. I look over at him. His face was shocked.  I was about to say something, when he walks up to me.
"Sorry, but don't think your getting that." He laughs
My face was confused. "So I am your Mate." I say very cocky.
His face goes red, and his eyes look scared. "Sorry... if you don't want to be... I can just leave.." he looks sad. Like having his heart ripped from him. It literally was killing him to say that.
"No!" I say fast. My face is red.
He turns and looks at me, and smiles so big, then he hugs me. "I won't let you down!"
I'm so nervous, being his mate. I can hardly tell him how I feel, how in the world am I to mate with him in about 5 days! Do I tell him that I have done some research on matting season? I look down at the ground. "Do you want it to be more... private?"
"Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy. If you want it, I will do it. Just said when and where." He hugs me tighter
Even though he has more emotions, sometimes it's hard to tell. "Oh, can you wait right here, I have to ask Lu something before she goes."
"Yeah, I can. Just hurry back please." He has big eyes when he lets go of me.
"I didn't think you knew the word please!" I laugh. He smiles at me. I run over to Lu. She is following Happy who is carrying Natsu. "Hey Lu."
"Hey Levy, um I guess I was worried for no reason." She laughs
"Um, do you think it would be a good idea to stay over at Gajeels place. Until he marks me. And then, how in the world am I to mate with him, if I can't even tell him how I feel!"
"Levy, I feel that if you do go with him, you won't be returning home until the week is up. Hey maybe a week with him, you will be able to to the nasty with him!" She smiles
My face is red. "What about you, I wouldn't be able to see ya?"
"Well, I know I will have a difficult time, it's Natsu for Pete's sake." We laugh
"If I go with him, then I have to shower in the waterfall, or not at all. What if he sees me?"
"Girl, I'm in the same boat. I think we will just have to do it while they sleep." She looks over at Happy, "I have to go, see ya!"
"Bye!" I turn to head back to Gajeel, and he is asking everyone where I went! Oh boy. I walk up to him"Hi, I'm back."
His face lit up, and he started to hug me. "I'm so happy that your back!"
"Ok, before we go, I have to go get a few things for the week."
"Ok, let's go to your place." He smiles
"I live in the dorms. You can't come. There is a rule against it."
"No one keeps an eye on if your a guy or not." Said Gray
"What!? Who have you been seeing.... Wait!"
His face goes red. "No, she was drunk! I was bringing her home! That was it, I swear!"
"So I'm hearing is I can follow you into you room!" He has a smile
"What's up with him?" Gray asks
"Long story. Unless you want to tell what happened with you and Juvia.."
"I'm good, in fact, I have to go!" Gray starts to walk off
"Ok Gajeel, let's go." We were walk there, when he reached over, and started to hold my hand. My face turns red. I was going to let go, but he seems happy. When we get there, there was a sign on the door. With Grays photo. Saying 'Males are against the rules, especially if they stay the night!' Many compliments have been made. All girls have been warned. I look over at Gajeel. His face was sweating. "I guess Gray was wrong. Wait right here, I'll be 2 minuets." I start to walk through the door.
"Be fast!" He looks sad
I walk up to my room, and I grab my suitcase. I put in a few different things, my swimsuit, a towel, a white sundress, some shorts and a tank top. I also grab my shampoo and body wash, I almost forgot my hairbrush. I was doing a check again to make sure I have everything, when I heard a scream.
"This is girls only! You need to get out!" Someone screams
"I'm not here for you, I have to find my mate!" Gajeel Shouts.
Why did I think he would stay put.
"Levy! Agh! Please, come back!" He shouts
I grab the suitcase, and quickly ran out the door. He was on the floor, he was in pain. "What happened!? We need to get you to Wendy!"
"No! The pain is going... I thought you left me and were never coming back." He wines
"I was packing. I told you that. Come on, let's get out of here." He gets up, and takes my suitcase. He is fine now. I was gone for to long, and that gave him pain. I wasn't trying to kill him! I just wanted to make sure I had everything.
"Levy, how much stuff are you bringing! This bag feels like a lot of books!" He smiles at me
"I had to have a weeks worth of reading!" I laugh. We walk out of the dorms, and start to head to his cave. I was getting nervous. Can I do this. Are people going to question where I go. As we arrived, I see Pantherlily is carrying a bag too. "Wait, your not staying with us?!"
"No, I don't want to see the emotional wreck he has become. Also if you two where to get funky-" I cut off Pantherlily in his words
"What do you mean! Why would you think that!"
"Well It has to happen by the end of the week, so I was unsure if maybe you would try it out early or not." He seems embarrassed, probably because I yelled at him "ok, bye!"
He ran out of here. "Bye." Now I am alone with him. In the woods, where there is no one around. I can't even talk my bestie Lu.
"I want you close to me, and I want to keep this normal. So when I train, will you train with me!" He starts out normal, then turns into emotional wreck.
"Ok, everything you do, I'll do it too." We smile at each other. I walk inside to put my stuff down, I realize we will be sharing a bed! My face was red.
"Hey, I'm going to train, in the waterfall." He starts to take off his shirt. "Wear something you feel free in." He then turns but stays right next to me.
"Wait you want me to change with you right there!?"
"Yes, I'm not looking. Unless you hate me and you want me to leave you forever!" He cries
"No! Don't be sad. I just have never changed with a male so close to me. It's new to me. I'll be fast." I smile, he can't see but he seems calm again. I decide my white sundress was free, I put it over my underwear. Half of me even wonder if I should just take the underwear off. But I left them on. "Ok, I'm done."
"Good, this way." He smiles, and he grabs my hand to show me the way.
We have to walk into the lake to get to the rocks he sits on. The water was deeper then I am tall. He even has to swim at one point. He has to help me get on the rock, and then we sit there, water poring on us. We stayed quite for a long time. Taking in the surrounding. 

I was surprised at how awesome this was

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I was surprised at how awesome this was. I close my eyes, but I can feel him looking at me. I can feel him move, where is he going. Next thing I know, I feel his lips against mine. He was kissing me. The kiss starts out soft, my face is going red. He starts to bite my lower lip, when he did that my mouth opened to moan. His tongue invades my mouth. He wants dominant. After a quick fight of the tongues, he won. I could feel him exploring my mouth, every side, in great detail. When he finally came up from the kiss, he start to kiss my neck. I moan even louder. It feels good. "Ggajeeel!"
"I'm almost done, don't worry. I'm not going to take you just yet." He said
Is this where his is goin to mark me. He said he isn't going to take me just yet. I'm I going to suffer this week, he going to keep turning me on, until I can't take it. He is moving again, I was going to open my eyes, when there was pain on my left, back upper shoulder. I scream, he bits harder. I can feel the blood coming from it. Now it's pleasure instead of pain. I start moaning loudly. He was licking up he blood, now he is kissing it. With one hand came up from behind me. And started to play with my boobs. I don't want him to stop, but I know he will pass out soon. I know he isn't in control of his actions too. One last good moan escaped from my lips, before he stopped. I look back at him fast. While he was falling back in to the water. I could see a grin so big across his face. I knew he was going to tease me this whole week.  I then reach out to catch him before he falls to deep in the water. Wait! How am I going to get him off this rock. The water is to deep for me to swim and carry him! I was standing there, looking at me feet, when I saw my outfit. My dress became see through at some point! My face is red. Was that why he was staring at me before he marked me...

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