t h i r t y - s e v e n

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The day of the dance came quickly.

I was nervous, to say the least. I had stayed in my room for most of the day, but Sadie dragged me out around three to get ready.

"I only have two hours to get you and me ready because then I'm going to Millie's to help her get ready."

I sighed.

"I think I can get ready myself."

"I know, but your version of ready is different than mine."

I was practically forced into the shower then, despite having already showered last night. After getting out, Sadie rushed around getting my hair done and making sure I looked presentable. I sat on the bed in her room after, watching as she applied her makeup and did her hair in the mirror.

"How does this look?"

Sadie turned around, gesturing to her hair that was pulled out of her face but curled down the back. I shrugged.


She groaned.

"Ugh you're no help!"

She grabbed her dress that was on the bed next to me and walked out of the room. I sighed and put my head on my hand as I waited for her to come back in. I could feel my eyelids dropping a bit and my head fell before I lifted it up quickly. I was so tired. I hardly got any sleep last night because I was so excited and nervous for today.


My head shot up and I locked eyes with Sadie.

"Are you really that tired?"

I nodded and ran my hands down my face.

"I didn't get much sleep."

She sighed and nodded. I watched as she started to grab things off her desk and shove them into the bag she had. She turned back to me with worried eyes.

"You're going to be okay dressing yourself?"

I rolled my eyes.


She put her hands up in surrender.

"I'm just saying."

I followed her as she walked out of her room and to the kitchen, grabbing the keys to the truck off the hook.

"Mr. Harbour is going to be by with Noah by seven so make sure you're ready. Millie's corsage is in the fridge, don't forget it."

"What the hell is a corsage?"

Sadie sighed in annoyance.

"The little flower thing that goes on her wrist."

I nodded. She turned to walk out the door but stopped shortly and turned back around to me with a stern look.

"And don't even think about not wearing the suspenders."

I sighed as she opened the door.

"Wait, Sadie."

She stopped and looked at me. I smiled just a little.

"You look pretty."

She rolled her eyes playfully but a smile broke across her face.

"Thanks Finnie. See you later!"

She walked out the door then and I watched as she drove away towards Millie's.

The next two hours passed faster than I anticipated, and soon enough Noah was knocking on Sadie's front door. I opened it up and he gave me an unimpressed look. He was dressed in a dark grey button up with a black tie. It was weird seeing him dressed up, I was so used to his long sleeves and jeans.

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