Caleb Holloway// Baby come home to me.

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Disclaimer: this is the Caleb Holloway that is played by the actor Dylan O'Brien. This by no means is referring to the real Caleb Holloway that survived the Deepwater Horizon

"Ya, I know baby. I'll be home soon though." Your husband Caleb said through the phone line that kept the two of you connected through all this distance. "I know, hey I got something to tell you when you get home."

You could feel him smiling through the phone "and what would that be?" He awanserd with humor in his voice. "It's a surprise!" He chuckled. "Okay baby, well I gotta get back to work." You sighed. "Okay." You said with sadness leaking through your tone.

"Hey." He said noticing your instant mood Change. "I love you sweetheart."
Oh god this man knew how to make you blush. "I love you too."

After you got off of the phone you attended to the screaming 4 year old in the living room. "Mommy! When is daddy coming howme!?" He yelled not pronouncing home right and bouncing around on the couch cushions. "I don't know Thomas, soon I promise." You said giving your child a sad smile and hold your arms out so you could pick him up.

You started to carry him to his room and set him down on the race car bed Caleb just bought him. "Now you little mister are freshly bathed, clean, in your race car bed, in your dinosaur pajamas and the night light is on. Anything else?" You say tickling at his side's causing that laughter you love to bubble out of him. You smiled and tucked your little nightmare into bed.

"Get some sleep Thomas. Love you." You said kissing his head and getting up to turn the light off. Just before you shut the door you heard "Love you to mommy."

You went into the living room and plopped down on the couch reaching for the remote on the coffee table and turning on the news. You were watching for about a hour before a certain story caught your eye. "According to satellite images and the board of callers bombarding the coast guard, it has been confirmed that the oil rig Deepwater Horizon is in fact on fire. Now our sources say-"

Everything in your mind became a blur and you started to panic. You scrambled to your feet and ran to the kitchen counter where your phone was resting. You tried dialing Caleb 3 times but every time it went to voicemail.

Then you ran to the cabinet above the sink and pulled down the basket filled with important papers that the two of you needed. You pulled out the book at the bottom of the stack and flipped to the page that Caleb had gone all ham with the highlighter on. You dialed the number he had highlighted for the coast guard and waited for it to be picked up.

When the operator finally picked up you wasted no time stating you business. "Hi my husband Caleb Holloway is a floor hand on the Deepwater horizon oil rig and I was wondering is there was anything you could tell me about the situation?" You asked anxiously.  

It took a while before the operator sighed and responded. "I'm sorry mam i can't disclose any information at this time. Can I please get a name and a number and I'll notify you as soon as I can."

So you hung up the phone and you waited. You waited for hours on end for any kind of news about where he was, if he was okay, if there were even survivors. And then finally you just had a break. You were on the floor sobbing with your head in your hands and the only thing you could mutter was "please baby come home to me...."

You got a call about 2 hours later with a hotel name but no list of survivors. You carried Thomas out to the car and buckled him in this seat belt as fast as you could. It was still 3am so you had him wrapped in a blanket with his favorite teddy in his hands.

You climbed into the front seat and started the car. You drove for about 6 hours before you were finally pulling off of the highway and into the hotel parking lot.

You quickly ran around to pull the sleeping toddler in the back out of his car seat and into your arms. "Mommy" he mumbled wrapping his small arms around your neck. You were panicking on the inside. You had no idea if your husband and the father of your children was still alive and it was scaring the shut out of you.

You weaved through the crowd and through the sea of reporters and civilians. You walked through the lobby and you could already see families being reunited.  You walked up to the front desk and the receptionist must of noticed the look on your face because her features instantly softened and her hand went to rest on top of yours that was shaking on top of the counter. "Who are you looking for honey?"

You readjusted the toddler on your hip and shakingly told her "Caleb Holloway." She looked it up in the computer and instantly reemerged with a room key. "Room 307" she said with a smile. You let out a sob of relief. He was alive. "Oh my God he's alive." You said wiping the tears with your sleeve. "Thank you so much" you said taking the key from her hand.

You hurriedly walked to the elevator. At this point Thomas was awake and asking where you two were going. When you got to the third floor you quickly ran down to the 7th room and swiped the key card. You let Thomas down on the floor and told him to stay back for a moment while mommy talked to daddy.

You carefully walked in to see him with his head in his hands and his fingers tangled in his dark hair. He looked up at you and you saw the bruises on his face and the tears running down his cheeks. You instantly ran up to him and pulled him into your arms. You were crying, he was crying and pulling you tighter against him. You were both a mess.

"Daddy!" Thomas yelled running over to the two of you and joining the grip hug. Caleb pulled him close to him and kissed his cheek telling him that daddy loved him so much. He had one arm tightly around his waist and the other securely around yours.

"Oh baby, I thought I lost You." You said in between sobs. "You can't leave me, please. I need you our children need you." You sad kissing his forehead repeatedly. He pulled away. "Children?" He said with a puzzled look on his face. You slowly pried his hand away from your waist and moved it so it was over your stomach. "I'm 2 months along." You said quietly looking into his eyes.

He smiled and more tears rolled down his cheeks. He pulled you in to a kiss and never wanted to let him go. Of course you did, for the sake of the tiny human across from you going on about how much he missed his father.

"I love you y/n. I promise I'll never leave you guys. All three of you." He said with his hand rubbing circles into your stomach. You smiled. "I love you too. It's me and you. Forever."

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