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Imagine: Thomas when he runs into the maze because you wern't gonna make it out.

"Run Y/n! Run!" You hear as you approach the doors but you already know that you won't make it which makes you as good as dead.

Then all the sudden Thomas runs in as the doors are shutting.

As soon as he gets in he leans against the wall of the maze panting.

You run over to him and take his face in your hands.

"What the he'll did you just do! Why did you do that!? You just killed yourself!"

You scream so loud you are shure the other gladers on the other side of the maze can hear.

"I couldn'tleave you in hear alone. I love you. If you die I die"

Your anger fades and you crash your lips to his and take his hand. "I love you too."

Dylan O'brien ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now