Dylan// Help!

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requested by: niallforever15

(it's short sorry. I'm like drowning in sickness at the moment)

You were on a date, but not with the man you wanted. You were in love with your co-worker, bestfriend, and neighbor Dylan O'Brien but he didn't love you in the same way you loved him.
So you were going on a date to try and flush Dylan out of your system.(but lets be honest that's not gonna happen) You're date's name was Luca, he was a extra on Teen wolf a few episodes back and he slipped you his number during filming.

He was cute, but you didn't exactly know if you liked him. He seemed to be semi-decent, he picked you up from your house and took you to dinner and a movie and paid for everything, yet he only talked about his carrier and his life the entire time, not that you really minded but he brought a new meaning to the word self centered.

When he brought you home he walked you to the door and you took your keys from your purse.
While you unlocked the door you noted that Dylan was home, you'd have to go over there and tell him about your night later. When you opened the door you silently wondered why Luca was still standing behind you, you walked in your house and turned towards him. "i had fun Luca, thanks for the good night." you went to shut the door after that but his foot stopped you.

"what, that's it?" you looked at him like he was dumb. "yeah, we went out i said it was fun. What else is there"

He all the sudden shoved his way inside your house against your protest. " i don't know i thought we could have a little fun." after he said that he grabbed your wrist and pulled you upstairs, even though you told him to let go of you and get the hell out of your house he didn't, you thankfully managed to dial Dylan's number on the tumble up the stairs.

When he roughly pulled you into your room the phone dropped from your hands and tumbled to the ground. Luca shoved you on your bed and crawled on top of you, you shoved at his chest as hard as you could "Luca stop! Luca get the hell off of me!" you prayed that Dylan picked up the phone and could hear you. When You faintly heard his voice on the other line you screamed "DYLAN HELP ME!"

Luca put his hand over your mouth as he forcefully kissed your neck and ripped your dress.

You were full on sobbing at this point. Then all the sudden as if your prayers had been heard, Luca was ripped from you and punched in the face. You saw Dylan punch him a few times before screaming at him "What the hell man! What the fuck is wrong with you! I swear to god if i ever see you near Y/n again i will kill you!" Luca then ran for his life as soon as Dylan released him.

Dylan quickly ran over to you and checked you for injuries, his face showing anger as he saw the brusises on your wrist and neck. "come on" he mumbled as he picked you up and carried you over to his house.

When he got to his room he set you on the bed as he walked towards his dresser to get you one of his shirts. He looked away as you silently changed.

Your crawled under his covers imeaditly after and extending your hand to Dylan. He Crawled behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you to him. "your safe here, i promise you as long as your with me you'll be safe." you turned in his arms. "Dylan i have something to tell you..." confusion covered his face.

"what is it sweetheart?" you quickly shoved your nerves down knowing it was not now or never.

"Dylan i love you..." he smiled "i love you too Y/n" you sighed at his reply "no, you don't get it Dylan i don't love you as a friend i...... i love you as more and-" he quickly cut you off with his lips, it took you a moment but you kissed him back and wrapped your arms around his neck. he pulled back a few moments later "I know what you mean, and I'm saying i love you too baby."

You smiled and pressed your lips to his once more.

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