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requested by: @orangemonkey_321

You had been best friends with Peter Parker since the basic first breath you both took- same for their parents- and they were just bound to be the greatest of friends.

You both grew up in Queens, living happily in separate apartments with your families and visiting each other for play dates and when they got to be about 14- to hang out with each other.

Today was different.

Today was going to be a lot harder for them both- especially for you.

You took your seat in the back of the classroom for chemistry while Peter found his seat two desks in front of him, immediately turning on his computer and taking out his notebook.

You had organized your notebook notes, pulling out a singular, black pen and pulling out your phone to check a text you had gotten.

'please call me during lunch. we have something to talk about. xoxo mom'.

You thought not too much of it- since you had dealt with stuff like this before and your mom was always bound to overreact about small things.

The bell rang, signaling your class period was starting, and you open the notebook to a blank sheet of paper- beginning to write down some of the formulas you needed for the next few problems.

Ned burst into the door halfway through your writing- apologizing profusely- before taking his seat next to yours.

"Don't be late again, Ned, or it's a detention." The teacher commented without turning around.

You looked over at him. "Why are you always late? What are you always doing?"

Ned smiled. "Nothing. It's just- nothing." He said, opening his notebook and leaving you confused as ever but when you turned back around you noticed the teacher looking at you.

"No talking, ____. If you talk again, you get a detention. You understand?"

You nodded solemnly before going back to take your notes again- confused as to why Ned wouldn't tell you what was up.

Lunch rolled around, and you had completely forgotten about the mysterious text your mom had sent you so, you just took out your food and sat with Peter and Ned.

"That teacher gets on my nerves." Ned said, glancing over at you for a silent agreement.

You nodded. "Totally. It's so stupid that she acts that way. I think we should be allowed to talk- what if I was talking to you about a problem?"

Peter looked at you and laughed. "I highly doubt you two were asking a question. I know both of you, especially you, ____, and I know that both of you love to gossip."

You smiled, dimples glowing. "What can I say, Peter? I just love pretending to have a social life."

Ned laughed. "Oh, puh-lease. Your friends with Liz- which means that you have more of a social life than anyone else."

You took a quiet bite of your salad. "Just because I'm friends with someone doesn't label me as having anything. I'm friends with you guys and I'm not a complete and utter dork."

"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult." Peter commented.

You laughed, feeling your phone vibrating in your pocket but you just ignored it, going back to the conversation.

"Okay, it's not that you guys aren't cool or anything- because you both are. It's also not fair how extremely smart you two are, but I have to live with it." You said, dipping a bite into ranch before eating it.

"You're smart, _____. You'd be going to some gross, public school if you weren't." Peter commented, staring over at you briefly before looking away.

Ned stepped in. "I agree with Peter. You have to be so goddamn smart to get into this school- and here you are. So, calling yourself not smart is a lie and you know it."

You rolled your eyes, a smile still blossoming. "Yeah, okay, whatever. Never seen you two be so nice before."

"I've been nice to you ever since kindergarten!" Peter exclaimed, looking at you with a jaw dropped.

You tapped your chin. "Mhmm, I vaguely remember you being nice to me considering I was the one who had to go up to you."

Ned laughed. "Peter? Being quiet? A surprise, I tell you."

"____, stop exposing me!" Peter complained.

You laughed as the bell rang- making you grab your backpack, tossing your trash away, and heading to your last few classes of the day.

Peter couldn't stop smiling.

"Hey, Mom." You exclaimed, tossing your apartment keys on the counter, noticing multiple moving boxes throughout the house.

"Mom?" You called out again, feeling your phone buzzing in your pocket. You slipped it out, answering it as you stared at the boxes.

"Hi, honey. I told you to call me at lunch, and you didn't. Are you home?" Your mom asked you.

You nodded. "Yes, I am. What's happening? What's going on?"

Your mom took a sigh before continuing.

"Honey, we're moving."

a short series coming on!!


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