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A gasp escaped your lips as you sat up in the middle of some unknown location to you. It didn't seem dangerous, but it was definitely not your apartment in New York.

"Good to see you're awake."

You turned to face Tony Stark- everyone knew him as Iron Man. Everyone in New York City of course, not the Avengers.

"What exactly do you want with me?"

He took off his glasses and began to clean the lenses on his shirt. A small smile grew on his lips as he looked at you.

"Well, kid, I've clearly tracked you down because you're serving a greater purpose beyond what any of us know."

You furrowed your brows. "Us?"

He nodded, circling around the room with you.

"Yes, us. The Avengers. We needed someone powerful to help down on Earth and now we've found one. You're the most powerful Avenger of us all now."

You swallowed thickly.

"How do you know any of this? You don't know if I even have powers."

Tony chuckled once again. "Yes, of course. Well, we knew that you'd ask us that so we've set up a little test for you. Let's see if you can pass it."

Without warning, the shadowy figure from your past showed up. It seemed to morph into something you hated- something that you clearly despised.

Your mother.

"Mom." You said with the bitter tone.

She smiled towards you, her hands crossed in front of her chest. "Oh, honey, don't you see? They're the powerful ones here- not you. You're the wimp."

"I'm not weak." You said.

She gave you another smile that fueled the anger as your hands began to catch blue. Tony watched.

"I'm not."

She sighed, taking off her glasses.

"Of course you are. You couldn't even save your father from any of the alien invasions so what makes you think you can save anyone from any little simple thing?"

As the hurt and anger filled your eyes, so did the smile on your mother's face. She seemed sweeter than she was, but the truth was harsh.

She was an evil woman.

You let out a small scream of anger and fired your hands out- releasing all the blue flames towards the figure in your mind as you sat down to the floor.

"Still think we have the wrong person?"

Your tired eyes looked up towards Tony.

"What do you want from me?"


"So, you just want to use me then?"

Steve looked over at you with a smile. "No, we want to further your powers. We want to help you understand them and know how to use them to your best ability while being safe and well minded. Being able to control them is more important in this case. You can train with Carol."

Your eyes shifted down to your glowing hands as the flames simmered away slowly.

"I'm not a pawn to be trained."

Natasha smiled, her arms crossed over her chest. "No, of course not. But we think that you could be a very powerful attribute to the team. Peter clearly thought so."

You looked away from her and towards Peter who was slinging webs to the wall. Your heart went soft before hardening once more when Tony spoke.

"Listen, kid, we just want you to understand these powers."

You looked up towards him.

"I understand them pretty well, Mr. Stark. I grew up with them, having to train myself because my father died before he could and my mother was an ass of a woman who never served me any good. I trained myself, I trained my emotions."

Tony sighed, looking over towards Bruce.

"Don't look at me. You heard the kid."

His eyes shifted towards Carol who nodded, stepping forwards to face you.

"Look, _____. I dealt with the same thing. I'm practically an alien now and I'm one of the most powerful Avengers on this team. You don't want to become who I used to be. Instead, you want to become who I am today. Controlling your emotions is the beginning to it. You need to learn to fight off the bad feelings and confront them with a fearless face."

Your eyes continued to look at her.

"Was it this hard for you?"

She smiled, taking a chair next to you.

"It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I lost practically everything and everyone was lying to me about the side I was on. I was incorrect on so many levels but I found my place and I found my true power without the help from others- and you'll find it to if you let me help you figure it out."

A smile bloomed on your face.

"Of course."

"So, Peter, thanks for turning me in."

He turned away in embarrassment. "Well, Mr. Stark wanted tabs on you and I couldn't just let him down so-"

You chuckled, nudging him playfully.

"I'm joking, Parker. Relax. Honestly, working with Ms. Danvers is the best experience of my life. She's helping me in so many ways I never thought were possible."

Peter smiled at you.

"That's all I ever wanted. I wanted you to be happy and content with who you were but you were full of anger and fear."

You nodded.

"Now I don't have to be."

With those words, you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before smiling and jumping off the balcony ledge and heading back inside.

Peter couldn't suppress his smile.

y'all i love captain marvel so much you don't understand :))

treat people with kindness.


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