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Midtown High School, the school of science and math, didn't have the word gossip plastered to it like some normal public school. In fact, thinking about it, you wouldn't even associate the word with the building.

Intelligence, wisdom, cocky occasionally, but gossip? It just never ceased to exist in the building- that was until Spiderman came about.

Your day dragged on, starting from the very beginning, but one person, well two, made it better.

Peter and Ned, your best friends.

As you walked down the halls towards your math class with Ned, you heard whispering as people stared at you in awe, some giving you pats on the back, others handing you slips of paper.

"What the hell is going on?" You whispered as another slip of paper was shoved into your hand, while turning into the classroom and taking your seat next to Ned.

He shrugged. "Maybe people heard that you're dating a superhero, I mean, who wouldn't be excited that one of their peers is dating someone like that!"

You shushed him quite loudly, making one kid in front of you turn around and face you. "Sorry." You apologized before turning back to Ned. "Not everyone knows, not even my mom. Peter swore for me to keep it a secret- how did it get out?"

Ned sighed. "It could also be something else, y'know. It could be something like, you made the head of the academic team and Liz hasn't announced it to you yet."

You nodded, getting out your binder as you stared at all the doodles you had drawn while listening to the rant of the teacher.

"Yeah, maybe. But why would people be handing me slips of paper unless it's about me dating Spiderman." You questioned aloud. "Ned, what if its threats?"

Ned turned to you, astonished. "Why would you say that! People aren't threatening you! What would you have to threaten you about?"

You gave him a look before turning back to your doodle. "Spiderman."

As each hour passed, more notes and pats on the back became apparent. You had no idea what was going on. It was all so confusing.

Sitting down at the lunch table, a group of girls came up and stood around you, asking you all sorts of questions.

"How did you get a guy like him?" One girl asked.

You gave her a confused look. "Peter?"

She giggled, twirling the end of her hair. "No, silly! How did you get a guy like Flash? That's my dream come true!"

You nearly choked on the water you were desperately trying to swallow. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" You asked her in the least menacing tone possible but it was so hard not to let it slip out.

"You're dating Flash, aren't you?"

You shook your head as the girls giggled to themselves and walked off towards where his friends were- while he headed to where you sat.

"Hey, bunny." He said, trying to give you a peck on the cheek but you slid away from him. Your eyes met his- confusion and anger all piled on top of each other.


He nodded, reaching for your hand. He successfully managed to snatch it before you could move it away, but you tried pulling it out of his hands.

"Yeah, bunny. That's my nickname for you, love." Flash said, staring deep into your eyes.

You cocked your head in confusion. "Flash, what the hell is going on? We aren't dating, so why are you acting like we are?"

Flash smiled. "Everyone already knows about our little moment."

You snickered. "You mean the one right now where I dump this hot soup down your shirt? Yeah, I'd hope they'd all watch."

He shook his head. "Our moment last year. You know, when we were a thing. Listen, ____, I want that back. That's why I'm telling everyone all these things we did together! So you'd have to take me back!"

You snatched your hand out of his, crossing your arms as you stood up. "Really." You said in a flat tone, staring him down.

He nodded. "Yes, I want you back, bunny."

You shook your head. "I can't believe you. First, my name is _____ not bunny. Second, I'm in a happy relationship now. Isn't it time for you to move on? Those girls over there were just gushing over you- why not date one of them and leave me alone."

Flash frowned. "I don't want one of them- I want you, bunny."

"Stop it." You said.

He looked up.

Angry tears were running down your face.

"Bunny, I didn't mean to make you cry." He admitted, standing up and moving closer to you.

"I'm not your bunny anymore, so stop it and leave me alone." You said, practically shoving him off of you.

You rushed out of the lunch room and into the hallway where you bumped into someone. Looking up, you felt relief wash over you.

"Peter." You said, softly.

He could hear that something was wrong but he didn't want to ask right now- not when you were angry enough for tears.

He pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I hate Flash Thompson. I hate him." You whispered into his soft, brown curls at the edge of his neck.

He only nodded in response. "Good thing I'm Spiderman."

You chuckled. "I love you."

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