Chapter 5: She waits

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There was one last performance among Accapella group . The mysterious violinist disappeared on the stage as she stepped on the ramp where she could go back to the backstage into the dressing room.

Everybody thought she was Monica. The stage director did not bother doubt on that. They all focused on that last performance . They'll just celebrate after the concert ,they had to make sure that the last performance should goes well first.

The concert end up successfully . They knew that audience enjoyed and are satisfied with what they experienced.

"Good job guys, Everybody works hard for this concert, we will celebrate."  Mr.Edmundo had said. He was at the same time happy for the success of the event.

The stadium is now empty as it was before. The lights , microphones , and sounds from the instruments were gone already. It was merely a silent dark place where a sadness begun to live.

The staff were out and off to a world class restaurant where they would celebrate the success of their team. Sam did not go. Why would she not be? She was an assistant director. She suppose to be there celebrating. Her pupils adopt into the darkness. Her phone lights as it received new messages. She knew its from her mom who worried sick she was out late again but she's wrong. It was from Gellen. Gellen was one of the costume director. Gellen ask her to come to the celebration. She kept on saying that it would disappoint Mr. Edmundo if she won't come. It was like disrespecting him by not accepting his treate. It would be a bad impression she emphasize the word IMPRESSION. She don't mind it. Why would she care about what other people might think of her? She dreamed of something and this is not what she dreamed for. She wants a set, a scene, a script,actors and actresses and the like. She really wanted to be a movie director and not a theatre or concert director. She wonder why she ends up here and doing this kind of work. Monica was right. She had to stop what other people thinks of her. She won't please either but not to the extent of having a nonsense alibi like that of what Monica had did on the concert. She had to be matured.

She sign and again gave a deep breathe because she realize it was her fault why Monica did not perform. She stumbled unconditionally and rolled with the maniquen.It was a total disaster that she had ever done in her career. She just close her eyes trying to forget this kind of thought. She remembered the mysterious girl who took Monica's place .

She wonder who she is. Her skill on playing violin was unique and she made a masterpiece. Sam knew it would be a huge topic on social media. Violinist around the country would begun looking for the musical note she played. Sam  thought that the mysterious girl made that up. It wasn't the common piece that violinist could learn from teachers, youtube and others. It was like a piece especially made by her.

Who could she be?

She was interrupted by a guard who had brought a flashlight and wondered why she was still there when the concert is done.

"Aren't you planning to go home?"
The guard sarcastically ask her.

She went outside walking lazily as her bag weight heavy on her shoulder. She felt it was heavier because she was tired. Her muscles wanted to relax so she planned of taking a wonderful rest on her new Queen size bed which she bought a week ago. She missed sleeping tight when planning for the concert was announced to their team and since it was over now, she knew she could rest, a real rest where she could not have think of anything. She placed her hands inside her jacket's pocket and was looking down on the ground as she kicks a pebble. She looks like a child who played the pebbles by the seashore. Imagining it was a football or a soccer ball. She stop. Embarrassed at the thought that somebody might seen her. She look around and see no one nearby is looking at her. She was relieve so she look at the sky trying to find a constellation , unfortunately it was cloudy , some of the stars were behind those thick clouds. She again continued walking lazily.

She do really felt empty. She envied those people who were given the chance to pursue and do the things they love. She envied how happy and productive they are for doing their passion even if it wasn't admired by many.

She wish she had the chance to do so. Her mother would always ask her what's the difference of being a theatre director or concert director to a movie director. Her mother would always says that its not different. Its just the same thing so why would she ask for more? Enough is enough. She was blessed so just be thankful. That was her mother's point of view. She wouldn't ever argue with her mom. She loves her so much. She just stayed silent and dreamed of becoming what she really want most.

She knew what her heart whisper . She look at her wristwatch leaning nearby a street light to have a clear view of time.

Her phone runs out of battery . It was past midnight . She started walking fast then she noticed a girl sleeping on a bench. She knew her. She knew she wasn't sleepy yet to wronged somebody or to be mistaken in familiarizing someone she admired for being so independent.

She went near and confirmed it was Aleca. Aleca was laying on the bench nearby one of the street lights. She looks gorgeous even if she was sleeping there like a homeless person. She gasp as she saw her move. It was a forbidden place to sleep at, for the entire night. She wanted to wake her up. Guards might scold her but she could not ignore the fact that Alexa was innocently beautiful. She was her friend and she saw her different sides.

There was time that Aleca was fiercefully beautiful whenever she's mad and serious but whenever she was silent, resting and sleeping, she looks innocent and yet captivating. She was like a modern version of the Disney princess Aurora. The one who was famous for being  sleeping beauty.

Her lips wasn't as red as rose. She was pale but she was still pretty on her own way.

Sam wanted to take a short video of Aleca sleeping. Sam was a potential director that's why she knew Aleca could someday be an actress if she would just enter the world of acting.

Sam took her android phone and was trying to open it when she remembered it was out of charge. It happens all the time. She signed and sounds annoyed because whenever she would have a chance of stealing a video of her friend, she would always have a useless phone.

Aleca opened her eyes as if she felt someone was there standing right next to the bench. She saw Sam. Aleca was waiting for her to come out after the concert. She had seen some of Sam's workmates but she was not with them so she waited for her to come out from the stadium instead.

Aleca did not told her that she was there for almost three hours waiting for her.
She just stood up and gave Sam a tiny box. It was a Prussian blue box.

Sam seems surprised and happy as she reached out for the gift Aleca made by herself. As usual , Aleca won't say anything. She was like a silent-type guy who never express feelings through words. She knew Sam would start saying weird things that she doesn't even want to hear so she started walking away.

Mysteriously BeautifulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon