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Girl With the curly hair

I am the girl with Curly hair

And that's what people think I am

I am more than that

I am the girl who stresses over the on guy she can not get

Looks at him everyday wondering

Why can't he be mine

That's right

He has someone already

Cares for her

Stresses over her

Loves her

But I am the girl with the curly hair

I am the girl who's mood changes quicker than lightening

Who will have the best day of her life

When night time hits

It's a different story

Questioning myself

Why my emotions change so much?

Still looking for the answer

But I am the girl with the curly hair


I am the girl who has major trust issues

People who I never thought would hurt or leave me

Did it anyways

Not knowing if it will happen again

Yea I may know a lot of people

Trust me my friendship circle is small

But I am just the girl with curly hair


I am the girl who has the biggest insecurities

I am ugly


I don't care what anybody says

I have been told everyday that I am the opposite

But not changing anything

Attention seeker is what people say

It hurts being told you aren't cute enough

Or not having the right body


And over again

But I am just the girl with Curly hair

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