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I want to talk to you

I want to tell you

That I admire you

Like the bright stars

Glowing in the dark night

Us being friends in school

Just isn't enough

I want more

I want you

But I can't have you

Or that's what my anxiety tells me

It tells me that

I am at the bottom of the list of girls you would give a chance to

It tells me that my beauty doesn't match yours

It tells me you want nothing to do with me

Out of all the advice I get

Telling me

You better tell him

You will lose your chance with him


I already told him

In my head

It wasn't the answer I wanted

But the one I was expecting

I try to fight it

Listening to myself think clearly

I'm not nervous

I could do this

Me not being nervous

Makes me nervous

Turning my clear  thinking

Into overthinking

Thinking about

Why can't I tell you

Every opportunity

I have

I freeze up

My body gets still

The words

Just can't seem to travel from my head

To my mouth

I want to tell

I am being held back

By my overthinking

My fear

My anxiety


That day will come

When I let go of it all

Having the courage

To speak up

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