I want to talk to you
I want to tell you
That I admire you
Like the bright stars
Glowing in the dark night
Us being friends in school
Just isn't enough
I want more
I want you
But I can't have you
Or that's what my anxiety tells me
It tells me that
I am at the bottom of the list of girls you would give a chance to
It tells me that my beauty doesn't match yours
It tells me you want nothing to do with me
Out of all the advice I get
Telling me
You better tell him
You will lose your chance with him
I already told him
In my head
It wasn't the answer I wanted
But the one I was expecting
I try to fight it
Listening to myself think clearly
I'm not nervous
I could do this
Me not being nervous
Makes me nervous
Turning my clear thinking
Into overthinking
Thinking about
Why can't I tell you
Every opportunity
I have
I freeze up
My body gets still
The words
Just can't seem to travel from my head
To my mouth
I want to tell
I am being held back
By my overthinking
My fear
My anxiety
That day will come
When I let go of it all
Having the courage
To speak up
All in one
PoetryThree years worth of poetry all in one book. Deep diving into my poetry journals, poems written about love,pain,and everyday life. This book should make others feel as if they are not alone when it comes to there situations.