Chapter Three: My What!?

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~Last time~

My dreams soon were flooded about the new life I would have with my love, Derrick.


When I woke up the next morning it as quiet, almost like it was too quiet. Something was off, I just wasn't sure what it was, or maybe I was just over reacting. Bringing myself to sit up, I sat there in silence for a few minutes and rubbed the sleep out of my left eye before blinking a few times. I soon swung my feet over the edge of my bed and looked around my room, once my feet hit the floor I heard my father from downstairs.

"Serenity, hurry up and get dressed, there is someone down here to meet you" his voice was strict and stern. He always spoke this way to me, I had no idea who could want to meet me. With curiosity burning away at my brain I quickly got dressed in something that made me feel confident with myself but also something that my parents would approve of. I fixed my hair by putting it up. I could hear voices downstairs and laughter as well. I desperately wanted to know who was here and why they wanted to see me. I then slipped on some heels before walking over to my bedroom door. I quietly opened the door trying to get a better sense of the mystery voices.

I poked my head out of my room and looked down the long hallway, once I realized they were most likely in the parlor I started to head down the hallway. Trying not to make a sound before I rounded the corner at the end of the hall to head into the parlor I slightly poked my head in. I could see a nice looking woman who looked like she never worked a day in her life. She had long chocolate brown hair with light green eyes and reddish lips. She had fair skin and was pretty small. Her and I could wear the same size, not sure if I just insulted myself or if that was a compliment. She was sitting next to her husband who looked strongly built. He looked as though has been through a lot. He had black hair, Paris green eyes and looked like he could tan. Soon I noticed a young man sitting on one of the other couches we had. He was staring at me oh gosh, please don't do that. I thought to myself.

As soon as my father noticed that the young man was looking in my direction my father followed his gaze and his ice cold grey eyes landed on me. His lips tugged up at the corner leaving a smirk written across his face. He then waved me in. "Come in Serenity, don't be shy."

Soon all ten eyeballs were on me making me choke up, my throat became dry and I my body was almost frozen. Then I remembered that my father was the type of man you don't want to make him repeat himself. I learned that the hard way growing up. I slowly walked into the room, and I could tell the young man's eyes follow my every movement. I sat down in one of the other chairs we had available in the room. My mom's voice then chimed in. I've always enjoyed hearing her voice more than I did my father's.

"Serenity, this is the Chemlik family, that is Mr. Jaden Chemlik his wife Mrs. Ashley Chemlik, with them is their son Joshua Chemlik. These were the people we wanted you to meet." My mother explained to me.

When I looked over Mrs. Chemlik she gave me as smile and small wave of her hand. Mr. Chemlik leaned over and held out his hand to me. Which I took we shook hands and he gave me a smile as well. "Nice to meet you Serenity" they were both so nice except for their son who just glared at me the whole time. Or at least I thought he was glaring.

I looked towards my mother and father after I had a conversation with the Chemlik's, I was wondering why they wanted me to meet this family. I took in a deep breath and was getting ready to ask them my question. "Do I have permission to speak?"

My father looked at me with his stern look, I knew that look, that meant I wasn't supposed to talk. However, I heard Mr. Chemlik speak up almost like he was defending me. "Oh of course, did you have a question my dear?" He spoke softly this time to me.

"Yes, you and your family are amazing Mr. Chemlik, but why did my parents want me to meet your family?" She asked him as she looked at her father and then at Mr. Chemlik, she noticed out of the corner of her eye; a smirk spread across their son's face.

"Oh they didn't tell you dear?" Their son said to me as he leaned in a little bit closer to him, my eyes fell from his father's welcoming face and landed on his ice cold stare, I could feel myself shaking, my whole body was shivering. Please don't let that be noticeable I thought to myself.

"We are getting married in a few months. I'm your fiancé." He told me and the look on my face was blank. I could feel all the color wash out of me. My fingers were starting to get cold as my heart sped up. No... no this couldn't be happening. I slowly looked down, I couldn't show my parents my face, they would disapprove. I could still feel him smiling at me, like he was mocking me. 

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