Chapter Nine: I'm a monster!?

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~Last Time~

I soon felt my canines be so pointy and that's when I looked down at the tea, it was a slight rose color.

"Then what am I?"


We sat there together in total silence for a few moments, the tea cup in my hands keeping them from freezing. Derrick sitting on my side of the bed and looking at me. My heart rate was racing, what was going on. If I was of a certain species wouldn't your parents tell you? And what on earth was Derrick talking about? Not human? What on earth would I be if I wasn't human? I was confused. I didn't know what to say or what to do really, I was scared no, I was terrified. I let my eyes trail back up to Derricks.

"I don't want to tell you, I don't want you to get upset with what you are, because all I want you to know is that you are very beautiful and that no matter what I'm always going to love you Serenity." He said this with his nice smooth voice, but I still had to know even though he wasn't wanting to tell me.

"Derrick, please tell me, I need to know" I said almost desperately, I know that whatever it was it was going to change our lives dramatically. However, I was prepared for anything, we ran away, and we were having a baby together yeah, I think we got this.

"Serenity you aren't human, you and I are vampires. Please don't say they aren't real" he told me, and I could feel myself shaking my self lean over slightly. I then felt the tea cup be taken away from me. I almost couldn't breathe I was having such a tough time with it. I looked up towards him and that's when I saw guilt in his eyes, he was sorry for telling me. He soon pulled me close against his chest and held me close. I didn't realize it at first but once I did it was too late to stop them. The tears just poured down my face, I didn't want to hurt anyone! I didn't want to drink blood it all just sounded so terrible to me.  

"But I thought vampires couldn't go to church, if that's true then how come you and I both have attended church?" I muttered to him, I soon felt his chest move and it wasn't just him breathing it was almost like a vibration. I soon looked up towards him and he wiped my tears away with his thumbs. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. 

"Oh you silly silly girl, that's just a myth of course we can attend church, but only if we choose to go. It's the werewolves that can't step onto holy ground, this journal is from one of the original vampires from the beginning of time. My grandfather had found it on one of his many travels. It was a gift to me once he had passed away. It has answers to any of your questions and even answers to questions that you never had before. It's our whole heritage and it tells you where to find everyone's family tree. Serenity you're not in this alone. You will be okay I promise you." 

I pulled away from Derrick and just looked at him, my mind was racing so fast now he was telling me there were other things out that besides just vampires and humans now? "What do you mean werewolves? . . . those are real too!? Oh Derrick this is all too much!" I couldn't tell what was happening. My chest felt tight and my breathing picked up my vision got blurry and I felt like I was going to faint. Which I suppose it what happened because everything faded to black and the next thing I know Derrick was calling my name, he was holding my had and trying to get me to wake up. 

"Darling are you alright? I didn't mean to make you stress out so much like you did. But yes the world is full of things. Things you couldn't even possibly imagine. Such as Unicorns, Fairies, Movers, vampires, werewolves, leprechauns and much more." told me, he moved to where he could hold me in his arms, he tried to calm me down. I turned into him and curled up on the bed and laid my head on his chest letting it just kind of sink in. 

"Derrick?" I questioned 


". . . What the hell is a mover?" there was no way to form that question correctly, I didn't know what to think of it. I have never heard of them or it. Whatever it was. Derrick laughed at my question and rubbed my arm softly before looking down at me, I could hear his heart race and I could feel his warm body against mine. I could feel the vibration each time he spoke and it was enough to put me back to sleep. 

"Well. . . most people think they aren't very important. Mover's is the general term almost like how we have cat's and dogs but there are different types of cats and dogs. Well that's the same with Movers you have earth movers, water movers, fire, light and even dark movers. There are many different types. They are very powerful people, you think hurricanes, natural distastes happen because  of a change in the weather. Ha no those are just stories that scientist make up." 

"Are you saying that scientist are monsters or well creatures. . . like us?" I asked him I felt like it was a valid question or why else would they try to hide these discoveries from the world? I closed my eyes as I listened to his beating heart, wait if he was a vampire was his heart actually beating or was it all in my head. Was my body making me hear the sound of a heart because I know that's what is supposed to be there. 

"Not all but most, yes are you tired Serenity?" I soon felt fingers running through my hair which eased me to sleep. I didn't say a single word and I didn't move a single inch I was exhausted from everything that was being processed through my brain. I had this to work through, but then I had to continue to be a good house wife and mother to my child. Things usually work themselves out in the end, all I hoped for at the end of the day was a healthy and happy baby who would know that they could amount to anything as long as they put their mind to it. 

I awoke a few hours later but I was alone, where was Derrick? I wanted to get out of bed but my body and my mind were still very overwhelmed. I stayed in bed let my body lean against the bed frame. I then looked towards the side where my nightstand was. There laid the journal that Derrick had shown me earlier. Part of me said don't pick it up and don't read it, but the other part of me was telling me to do it. Almost like the angel and demon of my conscience were fighting with each other. But curiosity took over and I reached over to feel the red leather against my finger tips. As soon as I picked  it up and had it in my lap it was a breath of fresh air. Without even opening it I felt like I had an answer to my worries. I felt like I could breathe for the first time. 

But would this book really tell me everything I needed to know? would this book really help me track down my family tree and maybe other family members that were still living? I had so many questions about myself and my family. However, maybe I should just just dive into the information that this journal provided, maybe it would prove to be useful but I'm still curious how Derrick's grandfather ended up finding this book. Without furthermore hesitation I opened the old journal to page one. 

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