Chapter Eight: Another strange dream

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~Last Time~

I hoped Derrick was as excited as I was.


I knew that with the winery Derrick was going to working long hard hours, but I kind of had to get use to that. I should have known this was how my life was going to be, I mean I wanted to be with Derrick and I knew he had to make a living but still. Besides missing him all day long, I tried to take care of myself, I had some tea and read most of the day. When nightfall came upon us I made dinner for the both of us. I ate my share of it when it was finished and covered his with a cloth so the bugs wouldn't get into it. I soon went upstairs to our bedroom, once I dressed down and pulled on my nightgown, it was lightweight and white, had spaghetti straps what seemed be be made out of rhinestones and had various rhinestones across the stop section. It was actually fairly comfortable. It flowed out as well and was practically see through more towards the bottom.

I soon entered the bathroom and walked over to the sink, once that cold water hit my face I felt so much better. This pregnancy was making me unbelievably sick, if this was how it usually was I didn't want to have anymore children. Once I had washed my face I looked into the mirror and saw something that gave me a slight jump. My eyes were dark, and I don't mean under my eyes were dark from lack of sleep. I mean my actual eyes were dark, they were black. Last time I checked my eyes were blue. I shook my head fast and when I looked into the mirror again they were back to normal, they were blue. Giving a small yawn I soon realized my canines. I jumped back from the mirror. In shock I didn't move for a minute or two. I soon got closer to the mirror and leaned in a little bit to get a better look at my teeth. This wasn't happening to me. My teeth were sharp and long they could pierce soft flesh.

I quickly left the bathroom and head over to our four post bed that I had made ours as well, we had black silk sheets that match our comforter that was super fluffy, it had this cool looking design on it black starting in one corner and the rest was just white with an outline of the design in black. It had three smaller pillows for decoration and four pillows that Derrick and I could use. I had to sleep, I was seeing things that weren't really there and it scared me to think that way. Once my head hit the pillow I was out like a light. 

As soon as I opened my eyes I found myself in a different house, as I slowly sat up and the sun blinded my from the window I was facing, I used  my arm to shield my eyes until I got out of bed. When I looked back into the bed it wasn't the one that Derrick and I had, did we get a new one? pushing the thought into the back of my mind I soon heard laughter and deep voices with lot of giggling. Who was in my house? quickly leaving the bedroom I found myself down another long hallway but when I turned right it didn't take me long to reach some spiral stairs. The voices got louder with each step I took. The giggle of children filled my ears and the empty entrance way as I stepped onto the clean marble floor. Wow Derrick and I really did upgrade our living style, I kept looking around the house, there was Christmas decorations everywhere. A mistletoe in each doorway. Hand made snowflakes in the windows, there was garland around picture frames and just everywhere. When I walked into the living room all the talking and laughter had stopped. 

I was looking at twelve people in my living room with some little kids, soon one of the people that stood up was a guy who had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes, he walked over to me and gave a smile. He stood maybe about a foot taller than me. "Mom, I know you told us you didn't want a Christmas party this year. So we thought we can just have a small family get together like we used to. Come join us?"  as soon as he said that I felt something grab onto my leg, when I looked down I saw the most beautiful little girl in the world. "Grandma!" she reached her arms up towards me and I picked her up. She had beautiful long black hair and hazel eyes. Her skin was  slightly tan and she seemed very joyful and happy. A woman walked into the living room passed me and sat next to a man on the couch who had black hair like the little girl I was holding but hazel eyes like the woman that sat next to him along with her skin tone. I then heard the man speak to me. 

"Mom, this must be your first time meeting Alissa. You and dad were away for awhile and missed her birth." He said to me I looked at the small girl again before sitting down and nodding to him. Soon presents were handed out and I got to learn everyone's name. I had sixteen grandchildren, between everyone. Two of them were from previous relationships and stayed with one of their parents but none the less I still loved them. 

As soon as  morning hit again I woke up from that beautiful dream I looked around to see Derrick sitting on the edge of the bed next to me, he was running his fingers through my hair. He gave me a small smile and I thought this was heaven, why was he still here wasn't he supposed to be working. "You were not looking too well honey, I thought I would stay home today and take care of you that way you could get to feeling better. Your face is bright red, and you just look exhausted." I didn't fight with him I just gave him a small nod.

I didn't bring up my dream having a feeling he wouldn't like it or would like to hear such nonsense. "Actually I think I know why, weird things have been happening lately and I don't know exactly how to explain it." I started but all he did was kiss my forehead and looked at me with those calm eyes. "Honey I know. I saw the teeth." 

"Then what's wrong with me?" I asked him almost desperate to know, he seemed to know what was going on. He gave a small chuckle before he saw the confusion written across my face. I didn't understand anything that was going on and it was stressing me out which wasn't good for the baby or me for that matter. He shook his head and kissed my forehead again.

"Let me make you some tea and then I'll tell you everything okay?" all I could do was nod, I watched him back out of the room, I sat up slightly and leaned back into the pillows, I must have really been out if I didn't even hear him come in. If I didn't feel the bed move once he got in. It wasn't too long before I saw him come back with the cup of tea and a book, but it looked more like journal. He gave me the cup before sitting down on the edge of the bed again. I took a few sips of the tea before looking at him. 

"Honey I'm sure you have heard that as you grow older that your body goes through changes and that's how we are able to have our baby there... well for some people  more changes occur as we age. I am one of those people along with your parents. Though I'm fairly shocked your own parents didn't tell you. 

 Why didn't my own parents tell me? Clearly Derrick knew and it was bothering me that I didn't know. He grabbed one of my hands "you aren't human, I am sorry I had to be the one to tell you this. On the plus side we get to spend a lot of our years together, is that okay with you?" he asked me I was still in disbelief and having trouble understanding. I soon felt my canines not be so pointy and that's when I looked down at the tea I had, the tea was a slight rose color.  "Then what am I?"   

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