Cave Confessions

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The next day had arived, and the boys were having their nightly meeting in the Indian cave. They had all made it, except for Todd, who was still getting ready.
Neil sat down, tapping his toes and biting his nails.
"What's up Neil? Looks like you're nervous or something." stated Knox. Neil looked up and then back down at his feet. He stopped his toe tapping and let out a sigh.
"Guys I have to tell you something," Neil stood up. "I just can't hold it in any longer!" he spun around passionately.
"Well go on, we're waiting!?" said Pitts. The boys quieted down.
"Tell u-" Meeks was cut off.
"Ithinkmeandtoddaredating" Neil muttered as he covered his mouth. Footsteps were heard outside of the cave opening.
"WHAT!" exclaimed the other boys. Whispers and shocked faces filled the room.
"I knew it" yelled Meeks. Todd entered, and Neil hurried to quiet them.
"What's up guys?" Todd asked happily. He looked around the room and saw their grinning faces.
"What... Happened? What did I miss?" he said again, suspiciously.
"Nothing happened." Neil lied. He looked down. Todd smiled as he looked at Neil. More giggles could be heard.
"Neil, come on man?" Charlie said, "you can't just keep that from him?!" he finished. Neil's face looked scared for a moment. "He's never going to trust me again..." he thought to himself.
"Todd, we know you guys are-" Charlie said but was cut off.
"Dalton!" Neil coughed. Charlie looked to him, and then up at the roof of the cave.
"Jesus Christ Neil, its not that big of a deal." He looked back towards Todd and said. "We know you guys are dating." He grew a smile on his face. Todd's face had turned pale.
"What?..." he said confused, he was  not ready to tell him. "Ne- Neil and I? Noooo no way... That's um.... That's against school policy." Everyone saw threw his in denial tone. His hands shook as he whiped the sweat off of his forehead. He looked towards Neil and saw an expression of regret.
"Neil and..." and in the blink of an eye, Todd fell to the ground. The boys yelled and rushed to his side.
"Oh my god!" exclaimed Cameron.
"Well, it doesn't look like he hit his head too bad," Pitts said as he lifted Todd's head up off the ground. "It's gonna hurt when he wakes up for sure though." he continued. Neil let out a sigh of relief and bent down.
"Is he dead? Oh my god, we're going to be in so much trouble." Cameron said as he paced back and forth. Charlie looked at him dumbfounded.
"Cameron... He's not dead, but you  will be if you don't keep your mouth shut!" Charlie threatend. Cameron sat down. Neil, without realizing it, picked up Todd's limp and and placed it in his own. Meeks looked down and then back up at Neil and smiled. Neil quickly let go of the knocked out boy's hand.
"And you two out of all of us..." said Meeks amazed. Neil looked up confused.
"What do you mean?" concern was in his voice.
"We all thought Dalton was the gay one." Meeks laughed, the rest of the boys followed. Charlie looked at him with furrowed brows, but then laughed it off.
"Very funny Steven." Charlie smiled. Todd moved his hand slightly.
"K buddy, time to get up" Knox said as he lightly slapped Todd on the face. He opened his eyes, and looked up confused. He tried to stand up, and stumbled, but Neil and Knox caught him.
"Easy there pal. Calm down," said Charlie.  They helped him sit down.
"W-what happened?" he muttered. The boys looked at each other.
"Oh nothin'" said Neil.

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