When Neil realized he liked Todd

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The creaky boards of Neil's dorm room were even creakier. This was only because he was pacing, and has been for the past 20 minutes.  The only sound that could be heard was his feet against the floor and the subtle sound of crickets chirping. Now Todd heard him, but decided not to tell him that, and tried to pretend to sleep. But finally Todd just decided to ask him what's wrong. 

"Neil... what are doing?" Todd asked, slightly annoyed. Neil looked at him embarrassed.

 "How long have you been up?..." He asked the boy.

"That's beside's the point... th-the point is that... why have you been pacing? It's 2 in the morning..." He spluttered the words out sloppily. Patiently waiting for an answer, he kicked the sheets off of him and got up to turn off the lamp he had forgotten about.

"I'm sorry... just don't worry about it, and I'll sto-" Neil tried to say, but interrupted by a grumpy and tired Charlie barging through the door.

"Why... Why the hell are you guys so loud. It's..." Charlie stop to look at the clock. 

"Two in the morning..." Todd said for him. He nodded, and looked at Neil with a questioning face.

"Charlie... can I tell you something." He turned to glimpse at Todd, and then back at Charlie. "In private?" he asked. Before Charlie could say anything, Neil dragged Charlie by the cuff of his pajamas. He led him cautiously to the bathroom. 

"What is this all about Perry?" Charlie asked concerned. Neil, again paced back and forth. "Neil, calm down." 

"I think there's something wrong with me... like really wrong." Neil said worriedly. He stopped to look at himself in the mirror. 

"Okay Neil, you're really creeping me out. Why would you even say that?" Charlie's expression looked even more worried.

"I don't know... It's just that I... god." Neil struggled to put the words together. "I think of things."

"Well no shit? We all do." Charlie said confused and sarcastic.

"No... you don't get, I don't even know why I'm telling you." He looked down, frustrated.

"Neil, just say what you're trying to it's obviously important," He stopped to think. "And you're telling me because we're best friends and we trust each other. Now go on and tell me, because I'm not leaving this goddamn bathroom until you tell me what's on your mind." Charlie said with a little bit of a smirk.

"It's just," He struggled. "I don't know how to tell you and I'm scared that you're not going to be my friend anymore if I tell you..."

"I don't think there's anything that is going to make me dislike you, honestly." Charlie smiled. "Just tell me already!" He said getting impatient. 

"Okay... well, I think I might..." 

"Spit it out Perry."

"I think I might like... boys?" He said embarrassed and ashamed. 

"Why did it take you so long to say that? You shouldn't be ashamed. Even if we're in a catholic school, fuck everyone who thinks that's wrong." Charlie said trying to comfort Neil, who was now crying. Charlie brought him into a hug.

"If my dad find's out... He-He'll kill me." He said in between tears. 

"Well screw what he thinks." Charlie said coming out of the long hug. "Screw everyone." He said smiling. 

"It's Todd isn't it?..." Charlie asked.

"Uh.... what do you mean?" Neil said brushing off the tears of his blushed cheeks with his sleeve. "How did you know?" He asked now, concerned that his love for the shy boy was obvious.

"I see the way you too look at each other in class. That day he came up with that poem in front of the class? Your face was a dead give away" Charlie said. Neil's blushing face became more ashamed. "Neil, don't worry no one else will know until you tell them. I only know because I observe more than the others. I feel the chemistry between you two." He said. Neil smiled. They hugged once more and went back to their dorms. 

"Thanks Charlie." Neil said smiling wide.

"No problem, get some sleep." Charlie said and entered his room quietly. Neil nodded and slowly opened the door. Todd, who Neil thought was still up, was sound asleep. A grateful Neil tip-toed into bed, trying to avoid the creaky floor boards and tucked himself into bed.

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