Mr. Keating

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The bell had rung and boys fled out of class, rushing to lunch. Neil had explained to the boys that he wanted to ask Mr. Keating a question about being gay and catholic at the same time. They had discussed how loving another man was a sin and how it didn't make sense. They decided that they should ask Mr. Keating about it. Neil didn't want to go alone, so Charlie volunteered to go along.

"Have a good day and make good choices!" Mr. Keating yelled across the room, trying to outshine the loud noise of shuffling feet. The room was almost emtpy in minutes, save for Neil and Charlie.

"Hey Keating, may I ask you a question?" Neil asked quietly standing up from his desk, along with an awkward Charlie by his side.

"Of course Perry, how may a help you" he said patiently. He turned to sit on top of his cluttered desk. Neil struggled to find the right words. Charlie nugged his shoulder.

"Okay... So I know someone..." He paused. Keating saw his frustration.

"Neil you can tell me anything." Mr. Keating reassured him. Neil looked to the ground anxiously.

"I know this kid right... And he's a boy.... And he may or may not like another boy?" Neil tryed to explain but felt like he wasn't getting his message across. Charlie looked at him in support.

"Why is being gay a sin?" He gave up and bluntly asked. Mr. Keating had a confused look on his.

"Listen, personally I believe that we as people, should be able to love whoever we want to. But as I see it, in a biblical sense, is that yes it is a sin. But so is wearing revealing clothing, cheating, Etc. But people chose to ignore things like that and pinpoint being a homosexual becuase of their bigotry. Who knows why it is a sin though? Love is a good thing right?" Mr. Keating looked at him, hoping that he understood. Neil felt a sudden sense of relief.

"Okay Neil, i think we better head out. Don't want to miss lunch!" Charlie said with impatience. Neil nodded.

"Thanks Captian." Neil laughed.

"Anytime. And know that you can come to me for anything. Even you Dalton." He smiled as they exited leaving a slightly confused, and happy Mr. Keating.

Authors note
[I'm sorry if i made this seem like this is what they would actually think. But remember that this is just a piece of fiction. I did not intend to offend anyone. :)]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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