Chapter 2

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    Next day, Lance, Pidge and hunk were both covered in sweat, You may ask how because they were doing pilot training, We'll Because they really only went through a couple of tortorials. And then went on a long hike up to the assassin pilot base wich was down east from where their original base.

"Ugh, if we ever do that again" pigde says between gasps of air " I'll jump off this cliff and end it all"

"How do you think we all feel" Hunk exclaims

"Aw, come one guys it wasn't that bad" Lance says while lifting his foot on a rock

Which this causes pidge to stare at him and when he looked at her he even thought he saw her eye twitch, which normal ment she was ganna do somthing very much bad.

Hunk then grabbed her and she charges at lance screaming but that makes hunk's grip tighten and with that lance sprinted back down to base with pidge,who broke out of hunk's tight grasp, Chasing close behind like a lion after her pray.

A couple weeks later the team of three have successfully manged must of the training, but the one Iverson was most proud of was lance on how much he had a proved of his skills.

"Great job cadets I'm am very proud of your exellencies and here are your ratings Iverson Says Standing in front of them again With a clipboard in hand

" Hunk you have improved on your engineering skills that you are just as good as most T.As"Which Stands for Top assassins-which also is what the team of three are training for

" Pidge, Your Tech and communications skills have Definitely Improved with the weeks of your classes and training, you'll make an excellent hacker" he says and pidge just nods but you can see the proudness and excitement in her eyes ,

"And Last but not lease Lance, you  have improved on Your Flight skills and fighter skills that You my boy Have already had the top rank as a T.A"

Lance had a big smile on his face, He was proud very proud that the tuffest assassin was here standing in front of him telling him how proud he is of him.

"The reall reason I called you three here today, is well because we have a mission for you three and if your up for it you'll be joining the fellow T.As on board of this mission, sense you guys are my tops students we have elected you guys to do it, So you guys up to it"

"Yes Sir" they all say in union.

"Good, the mission isn't really that simple but, our space associates have spotted an alien space ship entering the galaxy through one of out hidden stailites" He says seriously that it sent shivers down lance's body.

"And it's headed towards Earth, we are still unsure if they are friendly but to the looks of its not so nice"

"You'll be meeting with them tomorrow so be ready" He says then walks out.

"Hey are you sure we want to do this?" Hunk asks nervously.

"Aw, heck yeah, this is i chance to finally join the T.A" Pidge Says "I can finally be a Top Hacket"

"And i can finally  make my father proud" Lance says " We have to do this come on he said it wasn't probably simple there for it could be simple"

Hunk let out a sigh" Okay"

Meanwhile Back on the Ship headed towards Planet Earth.

Keith was woken up to the siren that was supposed to mean supper time but instead of a nice wake up call it's a loud,huge, blaring, siren that no one can ever sleep through, Not even hunk.

As the hours go by for keith he barley got to train that day because he was getting lots of lectures on all of his mistakes and what he should be improving and be more like the other, you can say they bully him because he's smaller then the others.

"Ugh, another day of hard working" Says one galra walking to the changing room to collect his stuff.

"Yeah, everyone was working hard" says another galra soldier" Exept you keith" He says walking past him and the others all agree.

But keith just decides to ignore it and go to his room and relax without no none to bother him.

As soon as he arrived there was another siren ecept this one was a warning ment a meeting was being held. So he jumps Off his bed and runs to the Controll room of the ship.

"Alright soldiers, the time has come this planet may be alittle harder to conquer but nothing we can't handle, The Planet is called earth home to a human race who can't defend themselves out in space cause there alittle being in technology so that how we'll do it" Says the Chief commander.

"But one problem here, there are these other types of humans called Assassins, which the world fears, they'll only be in our way but we have no other information about them" He says" So, my plan is we need a volunteer to go down to earth under cover to get more information about The assassins"

Everyone raised there hand exept keith 'Cause  he knew he wasn't ganna get picked.

"Oh did I say volunteer, I meant we've already dicided whos ganna go" he says with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Keith, Your a suitable galra for the task, your nearly the hight of a human and you also half human so we'll be sending you" He says Looking keith deep in the eyes

"Yes sir" he says loud so he could be heard because he was on the other side of the room.

"Good, you'll be leaving tomorrow, you'll have about two weeks to recover enough information and if you don't heh well that won't be an option " he says

"Alright, Vrepit sa"

"Vrepit sa" they all say

Keith was deep in thought about the mission that he didn't notice the Galran in front of him.

"Hey watch it" the galra says as keith bumps into him.

When Keith looks up he notices that this was no galra soldier, he had light purple skin,  sharp pointed ears,and white hair, Prince Lotor.

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