Chapter 3

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Keith was feeling two emotions at this moment he wasn't sure if he could do it but if he did maybe people wouldn't be mean to him and maybe he'll be more appreciated.

He wanted to prove the others that though he's smaller that he isn't weak and isn't as stupid.

But there's always been one secret that he's afraid of telling anyone, the one that may ruin his life, because he has no feelings towards the opposite gender, he liked males.

He thinks it's stupid of him to think that but no matter what or how hard he tried he couldn't bring  himself to like females he's always thought men were attracting.

So once no one was around and the training deck was clear he went in and started to train.

'You are Good'

'You not dumb'

'Your not weak'

'Your are good'

This voice echoed in his head as he trained.

He trained till his bones cracked. He trained till his head hurt. He trained till his arms were barely able to lift themselves up, but he didn't stop till he couldn't move.

He basically had to drag himself back to his room. And once he go there he flew onto his bed and fell into a deep sleep.


As time gose on, lance and his team went to the meetings with the T.A, but there wasn't alot of them but Lance was excited that he was basically jumping up and down like a little girl seeing a cute moment of her biggest ship.

"Calm down Lance " Pidge wispers.

"I can't, this is the day I've been waiting my whole life" He wispers back.

"Well learn to control yourself " Hunk wispers.

"I'll try"

Once the meetings were all over they all got a break. And lance really wanted to go swimming.

So that's exactly what they did.

"Now, I feel like I'm in the Bahamas" Lance says as he float's on his back.

"Yeah, only difference is that we're not even at a beach we are in the the middle of a freakin forest relaxing in some kind of creak " Hunk says getting dramatic at the end.

"So if you actually get in the water all your worries will go away" Lance says as he moves closer to where hunk was sitting on a big rock.

"Uh and risk myself getting eating by alligators um no" Hunk says crossing his arms and looking the other direction.

"Whatever" Lance says rolling his eyes. "where's pidge?" He qeustions.

"Over there bird watching things fly by across the sky" hunk replies pointing behind him " Well so she says.

"GUYS" Pidge poked her head out and shouted.

"Well speak of the devil" Lance says turning his head to face her way.

"Guys, You have to see this" Pidge yells clearly out of breathe.

"What is it" hunk turns to face her.

"Follow me" she says and takes off into the forest.

"Ok, Geuss where going hiking" Lance says getting up to chase after her.

"Oh great, just what we need" Hunk says before joining lance.

Pidge ran past a couple of hills to reach her destination while lance and hunk only a few feet behind her, though lance is faster then the two of them he had to stay behind because he didn't know where they were headed to.

"Dang, how far out were you pidge" Lance's shouts from behind.

"Just past the the balmara falls" She shouts back.

"Balmara Falls?" Hunk shouts in disbelief" that's almost 3 miles away from the lake 10 miles away from where we came from"

"Yeah I know" Pidge says as she dodges a couple of long branches that stretch though their trail.

Within a couple of minutes pidge finally slows down and creeps up a few rocks.

"Shhh" she says signalling for them to crouch down beside her.

Lance slowly approaches her, and same for hunk, and peeks over the rocks only to see a huge metal warship shaped object. It looked beaten and smoke was peeking through some cracks.

"What is it " Hunk says with fear noticeable in his voice.

"It looks like some kind of space craft" Lance's says

"Yes, but it's nothing human made" Pidge says pushing up her glasses.

"Wait, you don't think its..." Lance looks her deep in the eyes and she nods.

"An Alien space craft!?" Hunk practically yelled

"Shhhhh, Stay quiet" Pidge glares at hunk which shuts him up but a worried expression still stuck to his face.

About a moment of sitting there in silence staring at the 'Alien' Space craft, somthing finally happened. After the fires died down a door was pushed open by someone or somthing clearly unidentified.

The three all duck down not wanting any chance of being spotted, they were quite good at it keeping hidden because well they're Assassins for Petes sake.

But as for the creature, once it finally climbed out it took a good look of his surroundings.

Then he pushed a button on the sleeve of his armor and a hologram of planet earth popped but soon after it disappeared.


As keith made another glance at his surroundings he closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.

Then, his skin started draining it's purple and light fur turning a nice pale human like color. His ears soon deflated and his hair went shorter into a mullet in the back.

When Keith opened his eyes, his once yellow eyes had turned into a deep dark purple; more human like.

But seconds later thankfully for Keith's good hearing ability, he heard movement and sense that somthing was near and was hiding behind the boulders Ober to his right.


Lance , Pidge hunk were cradled down behind the big boulder each of them try not to make any sudden movement but, hunk was getting to uncomfortable so he tried switching  his position.

The minute they heard movement and it sounded almost like it was coming their direction, which made the other two nearly jump on hunk to stop him.

When there was only silence the crawled off of hunk thinking that it may have gone away but the minute they turned around 'it' was standing right there staring at them.

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